Federal Government

Park Sign Shows Proper Poop Posture

With all the regulations, rules, and suggestions put forth by the United States Government, it was only a matter of time before they told folks how to take a crap! This sign in an outhouse at Yellowstone National Park seems like it came right out of the Donald Trump playbook.  The GUARDIAN got a chuckle reading it and decided it has to be better than most graffiti that otherwise decorates public poopers.

With all the regulations, rules, and suggestions put forth by the United States Government, it was only a matter of time before they told folks how to take a crap!
This sign in an outhouse at Yellowstone National Park seems like it came right out of the Donald Trump playbook. The GUARDIAN got a chuckle reading it and decided it has to be better than most graffiti that otherwise decorates public poopers.

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  1. This may seem obvious to us locals but maybe not for people visiting from some parts of Asia.

    EDITOR NOTE–Bob, I hope you don’t heckle comedians during THEIR performances! 🙂 You are correct about Chinese visitors. Park ranger said the most foreign visitors are from Canada, followed by China! Nice to get a few trade $$ back.

  2. Two words: foreign tourists.

    EDITOR NOTE–You sure know how to ruin a good joke! You are correct, however. The place is crawling with busloads of Chinese.

  3. We can't even pooh as well as the world does
    Oct 11, 2016, 12:52 am

    This is a true story. Our toilets are positioning us incorrectly and it is in part why, along with our fatty diet, that Americans have so much trouble with the tailpipe and lower GI.

    This gizmo gives proper alignment: http://www.squattypotty.com/

    BTW: It’s foreigners AND skinny women who stand on the toilet.

  4. sharon fisher
    Oct 11, 2016, 10:42 am

    yep. I saw these signs all over the place in Australia.

    Remember that the “busload of Chinese” have pocketfuls of money, too. Tourism is a booming industry in the U.S. I went to Idaho Falls recently and the greenbelt and my hotel were almost exclusively Asian.

  5. Yossarian_22
    Oct 11, 2016, 10:54 am

    I’m forced to agree with commenters that these instructions are for immigrants foreigners who practice much more open air nature calls. I worked for a small auto repair shop right by the new apartments that were being built on South LaPointe St last year. My employer has a big back parking lot and was allowing the workers to use half his lot for free, saving them tons in parking fees. But even with porta potties provided, immigrant workers were using the open spaces along the fence in the parking lot as a bathroom. My employer was forced to end the free parking for all. So then we heard that the practice continued in the construction site itself, with “deposits” being hidden away inside the walls of the apartments. It was discovered and many walls were torn down and cleaned out, and then rebuilt. It was a real FUBAR deal.

  6. This seams to be a regular theme at BG.

    EDITOR NOTE–guilty as charged!

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