KBCI TV Sunday morning talk show host Walt Baker didn’t help the station’s reputation for “fair, balanced, accurate, we report-you decide,” news coverage when he interviewed Boise city council candidates Jerome Mapp and Jim Tibbs on his October 16 broadcast.
Walter Baker is a long time supporter of Jim Tibbs and even made a cash donation to the former interim police chief’s campaign fund. Mapp said he didn’t like the scripted questions before the show, but relented prior to taping.
Channel 2 (8 cable) has a slogan “The Difference is Local.” Right, the network boys would have told you up front if there was a conflict–like helping finance a candidate you interview. In fact, during the October 23 SIXTY MINUTES story about Michael Jordan’s new book, the network mentioned the publisher was owned by the CBS parent company.
Oct 23, 2005, 11:15 pm
I was just wondering if the difference is “local” why the old “local” boys seem to be disappearing and replaced with young ladies from ????? I tried to find out what happened to Wayne Dzubak and then Vin Crosby – apparently they have been vaporized. What is going on over there? There seems to be some kind of agenda, but I don’t know what it is. However “fair & balanced” is also the slogan of that famous Bush-backed channel “Fox News.” What a joke.
Oct 24, 2005, 1:35 pm
Fair & Balanced? I haven’t seen anyone in this town dumb enough to trot that tired slogan out. I’m not defending channel 2. I asked the same question you did and got the standard answer from one of their flacks. As for an agenda, I don’t think they’re that smart.
Ed note–The “slogan” was a satire on all the silly slogans combined.