Boise city councilor Vern Bisterfeldt has previously declared the internal auditor was, “worth his weight in gold.” Trouble is we don’t have an auditor and none is on the horizon at present.
The office of internal auditor was set up in the wake of the scandal surrounding former mayor Brent Coles. Coles, and two city staffers were jailed and others quietly resigned over financial irregularities.
Internal Boise City audits have either revealed or assisted in at least two criminal cases which have resulted in arrests of city employees–the Ice World and Poop Farm scandals. In fact, the GUARDIAN has sources who claim more than 90% of all city audits have resulted in “unsatisfactory” performance evaluations. Part of that is because audits are performed when there is suspicion of wrongdoing.
It has been nearly three months since former internal auditor Steve Renn resigned in the middle of the “Poop Farm” audit. We hear of even more items that “turned up missing” at the City’s 4,000 acre farm. Things like generators, trailers etc. The new manager is on board and most of the old players have left the farm for greener pastures.
The GUARDIAN asks rhetorically: “Why hasn’t the mayor and council given some direction to the finance department to hire a new field auditor?” Readers of the GUARDIAN alone could keep a guy busy full-time chasing down irregularities in the Public Works Department!
In our story of MORE POOP ON SEWER PLANT (scroll down to March 11) we told readers that city officials had told us there was no problem. Readers have responded with plenty of allegations to the contrary. We don’t disclose names and many of our readers have blind e-mail boxes, but there seems to be enough smoke for us to think there may be some fire.
While the council has been consumed with detox, skinny houses, county planning, and a library bond, the important task of getting us a new auditor has been ignored.
Mar 14, 2006, 6:47 pm
You are right again, Guardian! Mayor Bieter and city council need to get our fair city a new internal auditor as quickly as possible. The question in my mind is, since auditors have been so efficient at uncovering mis-use of city funds in the past why haven’t the mayor and council made it a number one priority to have a internal auditor for the city at all times?
Mar 14, 2006, 7:17 pm
Internal auditors’ works fine for most situations. However, in the case of Public Works I believe it’s beyond the scope of an internal auditor. We’re dealing with possible senior management issues here which calls for an investigation from the Idaho Attorney General’s office.
Mar 14, 2006, 9:59 pm
“Why hasn’t the mayor and council given some direction to the finance department to hire a new field auditor?”
Simple…admitting the need could be perceived as weakness for Team Dave. Worse yet, Dave might actually figure out how out of control things really are.
What is Dave going to do when he finds out what Team Dave has been up to?
Could be a drama
Mar 15, 2006, 8:39 am
Ferris is correct. This is another situation of talk and no action on the Council’s part. They have simply failed to act.
When you are more concerned with growth and apartment buildings getting an effective auditor is not a priority – – but it needs to be. It was a promise made that has not been kept.
Mar 15, 2006, 8:39 am
Ferris is correct. This is another situation of talk and no action on the Council’s part. They have simply failed to act.
When you are more concerned with growth and apartment buildings getting an effective auditor is not a priority – – but it needs to be. It was a promise made that has not been kept.
Mar 15, 2006, 8:39 am
Ferris is correct. This is another situation of talk and no action on the Council’s part. They have simply failed to act.
When you are more concerned with growth and apartment buildings getting an effective auditor is not a priority – – but it needs to be. It was a promise made that has not been kept.
Mar 15, 2006, 8:39 am
Ferris is correct. This is another situation of talk and no action on the Council’s part. They have simply failed to act.
When you are more concerned with growth and apartment buildings getting an effective auditor is not a priority – – but it needs to be. It was a promise made that has not been kept.
Mar 15, 2006, 8:39 am
Ferris is correct. This is another situation of talk and no action on the Council’s part. They have simply failed to act.
When you are more concerned with growth and apartment buildings getting an effective auditor is not a priority – – but it needs to be. It was a promise made that has not been kept.
Mar 15, 2006, 10:01 am
“It’s all” points out an intriguing prospect. Should we start to make an accurate list of the promises made by Mayor and Council and check in on those promises from time to time?
As they say, the proof is in the pudding and perhaps an audit of promises made may be the only way to spur an audit at the City.