John Kirtland
Ustick Widening: I live over in the big “L” subdivision and in regards to making Ustick five lanes, it is absolutely absurd. You need to take another look at that if you would. I think it is way too much for that street.
Action Taken: left msj
Barbara Whittiker
10299 W. Excaliber Avenue
Boise, ID 83704
BPD: I’m calling to ask for a request. When we pay our property taxes, some of it goes to the council for their budget for the Police Dept and Fire Dept. I’ve had to have the Policeman out to my house for personal reasons and they have been very nice and have bent over backwards for anything I may need. They are here anytime I need them. What I am requesting is they receive more money. They don’t know I’m asking this, it’s what I believe in my heart. When their evaluations come up, can the Mayor and City Council give them a little more money? People do take them for granted and they deserve this very much. Thank you.
Harold Schmoozer
3073 Royal Vista Court
Homedale, ID 83628
Animal Control: He called in with a complaint on animal control. He called them yesterday, Sunday, May 14, while he was visiting in Boise regarding 2 big dangerous dogs on the loose that attacked a woman walking her dog. The 2 dogs were roaming around freely without any leash. He stated that when the officer showed up and found the owner, he did not see him write her a citation for having them both off the leash. It is a state law to have your dog on a leash. This concerns him and he would like to be contacted about this issue.
Larry Kaposi
CHF Home Furnishing
PDS: He has been in the process of some remodeling. He had contacted us 5/5/06. Jennifer spoke w/ him. He called again yesterday complaining that the elevator he installed in 1990 and is fine now needs to be retrofitted. Because the city codes have changed within the last 16 years we are requiring that he remove the two sprinkler heads in the elevator. To do so requires a demolition permit. TV Fire is the Co. that gave him this information. He is frustrated.
Bart Archibald
7000 Cunningham #1708
Boise, ID 83702
BPD: He called to file a complaint with the Boise Police Department because he keeps calling to file reports and they tell him that an officer will get back to him as soon as they can and they never do. He feels like they are not doing their job. He would like a response back as soon as possible.
Action Taken: He was contacted by the designated officer
Perry Oldenburg
Political Material in City Mail: I work for the Boise Fire Department. I’m calling in regards to the pamphlets and flyers that we received in the cities’ mail. I work at a fire station and we got a flyer for a candidate for the Ada County commissioner’s position. On the front of it says Boise City Employees and has a date and a time we can come see the individual. I was wondering if it’s appropriate that we dispense these political letters and pamphlets in our city mail. I was under the impression that is for city business and we cannot solicit other things whether it’s a service someone does or anything else. I don’t think this is appropriate to distribute out to city-wide employees. Maybe you could give me a call and talk about the appropriateness of this. Thank you.
Action Taken: Contacted Mr. Oldenburg and informed him that the Mayor’s office had already had spoken to person(s) involved and informed them that it was improper to utilize the city mail system for such purposes.
Grounds Maintenance: The green on Cole Rd and I-84 needs mowed and weeded very badly.
Action Taken: been sprayed and mow will occur next week
Tom Conn
1419 Camelback Lane #B103
Boise, ID 83702
Motorcycle Parking: I have talked to at least a dozen people if not more who have talked to the Mayor personally about reinstating motorcycle parking downtown to promote conservation of fuel and less pollution and congestion in the air. We used to have motorcycle parking in Boise but it was eliminated to get more money in parking meters. Every block you can take a car space, put motorcycle parking only and put stripes in the parking space coming out from the curb. If the Mayor is serious on taking away some congestion downtown, why doesn’t he do it? I think it’s a good thing. I sure would like a phone call back about this matter and I would like to speak in front of the city council. We should get something done as soon as possible. Maybe this summer with a few spaces. On 8th street between Bannock and Idaho would be a great place to start. Let’s make Boise a better place for less pollution, less traffic, and a conservation of gasoline. Good idea Mayor, jump on the bandwagon and make yourself popular again.
Action Taken: contacted
BPD: I ride the greenbelt from Veterans Park in to where my job is downtown. I’m calling to see if the greenbelt patrol officers would be able to be down at that one pond that’s west of Main. The kids are out of school and when I came by there tonight there were about 30 high school kids milling around out there on the greenbelt. They wouldn’t move and I was with another guy that got held up by them that asked them to move and their response was not polite. With that many kids being out of school now and out on the greenbelt, they need to understand it is not only there for their playtime. Many people use it to commute. That was tonight between 5 and 5:30. There are also families out there with young children. I’m just afraid to injure one of the kids. Thank you.
David Gee
4306 Catalpa Drive
Boise, ID 83703
Kastera Homes development proposal: I’m calling in regards to the proposal by Kastera Homes to develop the acreage above Hill road between Hillside Jr. High and Bogus Basin Road. I’m concerned the city would consider this in regards to developing one of our last remaining open spaces in close proximity to the city. I see this as a natural resource similar to the greenbelt in that it improves and makes the livability of this city what it is. I believe the city needs to be wise in regards to infill. This natural resource being developed is not a wise or appropriate decision to make. If you would like to contact me, feel free to do so. Thank you.
Kathy Grief
180 Parkway Drive
Boise, ID 83706
Code Enforcement: She called to report a house on her street that is very unsightly. It is just across the street from her at 185 Parkway Drive. The house has weeds growing everywhere and a white fence that is unlined and falling down. The back yard is also in bad condition and it’s in view of many people. She is concerned because her neighborhood is a very nice one and that house has made it look bad. She told me that someone new has recently bought it and they are making it worse. She would like a response back as soon as possible.
Tom Conn
Motorcycle parking: Thank you for returning my call. You had mentioned that you had to study other comparable cities about motorcycle parking. Two notes on that, you have to set an example for other cities. Be brave, just do it. The second thing is in 1981 when I was a Sun Valley policeman, without comparing other cities; we had the first mountain bike police patrol in the state of Idaho. Get a hold of Jim Tibbs and tell him that I’m willing to help. Get Jim to call me if you need some help with this. We want to be a progressive diverse city. Set the example and be brave. Tell that to the Mayor.
John Weber
9535 W. Cory Lane
Boise, ID 83704
Open house invitation: I’m calling to invite the Mayor and City Council and Planning and Zoning to an open house at my residence this Saturday, the 20th between 2 and 4pm. I’ll be displaying photovoltaic electricity generation being sold back to Idaho Power. I thought he or some of the other employees would be interested in attending to see what the possibilities are for pollution free electricity and heating and cooling for homes in the Treasure Valley. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj
Pat Wilson
6319 S. Cole Road
Boise, ID
River issue in Hailey, ID: I share a home with my son, Kevin Wilson at 1020 War Eagle in Hailey, Idaho. We have sandbagged the front of our home and water pumps running to keep the water out. When FEMA went up there, the city put sandbags down the middle of war eagle to keep the wood River in its path. Two people in the subdivision that live by the river are threatening to sue the city if they didn’t remove the sandbags. They wanted the water to run down in the subdivision away from their home. The city this morning has removed all sandbags that was keeping the river in its course. The Mayor will not respond. Is there anything that can be done to put pressure on this town and not to buckle in to the threat of the lawsuit and protect the rest of that subdivision? Please give me a call because time is really of the essence. Thank you.
Action Taken: Contacted her to contact FEMA and Gov
Tom Sweeney
Dutch Oven Café Proprietor
698 N. Orchard
Home Address:
5530 Lynwood Drive
Boise, ID
Sign ordinance issue: I’m calling in regards to two registered letters I received telling me I’m in criminal violation with the sign ordinance of my sandwich sign that I’ve had for years on the highway. Now, I have to remove the sign which I will do. I’m a veteran of 2 wars, I’m blind, and this will look really good in court. My question is this, I’m here from 6am and I work for 10 hours. I’m 85 years old. I have to terminate some of my workers but I have to inform my customers why I am doing this. I have to inform their families too. I’m going to reprint this letter in the Statesman with your permission. My attorney told me to get your permission to do it. I want to print the entire letter in the Statesman explaining it to my customers who are spread around the State of Idaho. If you have any questions or objections, just give me a call.
M/CC PDS Legal
Peter Thimm
Graffiti: I’m calling to report graffiti in the downtown area at the northwest corner of State and 9th. There’s a bench that has been tagged with red paint.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Justine Aarons
428 W. Oak Hampton
Eagle, ID
Graffiti: This is my third call regarding the same issue that has not been resolved since February. There is graffiti located at 4920 Emerald Street on the back of the Newcomm business. There is graffiti located at 5020 West Franklin Road on the back side of the Mandarin Palace which is right across the street from Franklin School. That graffiti has also been in place for at least 3 months. My question for the Mayor and City Council is what are you doing about graffiti? I thought it was an important hot topic which is why you had a graffiti hotline. Apparently it’s not that hot. Your city is starting to look a little raggy and you need to take notice of this. I drive through your town every single day and each day I see the same graffiti. Don’t you have city workers who can possibly clean up graffiti? You need to do something about your city. It’s starting to look bad.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Sue Hazinga
Graffiti: I just called to report graffiti on Overland on the south side of the road between Orchard and Curtis. There are two different taggings. One is on the big cement wall and the other on the building. Just wanted to see if we could get it painted off. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Troy Swanstrom
City of Boise Human Resources Department
Graffiti: He reported that there is graffiti on the electrical box on the corner of 6th St. and Idaho St. outside HR’s doors.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Ann Hausrath
1820 N. 7th Street
Boise, ID 83702
Graffiti: I’m calling to report graffiti on my front retaining wall. I plan to paint it over as soon as I get the paint but I thought it should be reported since my neighbor’s also got hit with graffiti last night.
M/CC Graffiti Team
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