Curtis Williams
853 N. Sneed Pl
Parade: Mayor, I have a suggestion. The BSU football team just won the WAC championship for the 5th time and is going to a national bowl. These kids have really stepped up that program and Boise has received a lot of publicity and is going to as a result of this. My suggestion is that the City of Boise step up and show some gratitude toward the players and the program. I suggest some sort or parade prior to the team leaving for Phoenix for the Fiesta Bowl. This could be coordinated through the staff at BSU to coincide with their schedule. I just think the players would be so happy to have something like this to happen and it’d be a great send off to them. I think the people of the City of Boise would love to come out to support such a gesture. If you think that’s beneficial, I’d appreciate some feedback and we’d like to see it get done. Thank you very much for your time and keep up the good work. Thank you.
Jeremy Groit
PW: He wants to know who to contact to develop a hydrogen power plant in Boise. He has a hydrogen generator that gives out virtually no emissions and it fully runs seven houses. Thinks this is the way to take care of factory emissions. Please call back.
John Post
2103 N. 19th 83702
BPD: I called the other day and spoke to you about the homeless issue. I just have a comment and a compliment. Last night I was volunteering at the Interfaith Sanctuary when they opened at the old Carnegie Library there on Washington between 8th and 9th. During the snow storm around 9:00 if I remember correctly an officer from the BPD brought a gentleman in who was incredibly intoxicated and had urinated on himself. The officer was incredibly professional and very compassionate in dealing with this man. He picked him up actually he was passed out in a gutter in front of the River of Life building. He brought him to our facility and we brought him in. But I’ve talked to LT. Tony Plot about this incident or act of compassion rather. I wanted to write a complimentary note and he’s trying to track down the name of the officer. The officer like I said was very compassionate and very professional and this is the kind of act that needs to go noticed instead of just another typical thing. Anyways I thought I’d pass it on to you guys as well to let you know that there is some amazing professionalism going on in our police department. You know that as well as I do, but too often they don’t make the news. Thanks for following up if you can, bye.
Vern Lewis
9608 Sunflower
Code Enforcement: The house directly across the street from him has had a pickup trailer full of junk parked on the street for at least 6 weeks. He thinks the address is 9605 Sunflower.
Lorraine Henry
676 N. Vail Pl.
Boise, ID 83706
Sanctuary: I’m calling in regards to the Sanctuary and the homeless. I want to tell the Mayor that I like this 10 year plan but we need something right away. Our friends are going to be on the street if we don’t get something done. If you’d please tell him that we need a permanent shelter, a winter shelter. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Christen Green
612 W. Franklin
Boise 02
PDS: I am a woman of 50 years old and have disabilities. I am renting a house that is owned by the City of Boise and they are raising the rent by $75 a month and I am already paying over half my income at $600 dollars a month. I need to talk, I cannot afford this, and I’ll be out on the street. Please get back to me as soon as you can, I appreciate it, thank you.
Action Taken: PDS
VRT: I ride Bus # 17 in on Warm Springs Ave. I have had problems with the kids that ride the bus to and from school using very poor language. These kids do not hold anything back and have no respect for anyone. I am a Christian woman and I don’t appreciate our city bus allowing this activity to go on unattended to.
Beverly Russell
4800 Hill Road
Boise, ID 83703
BFI: I’m calling about trash pickup. I have called about it before. I’m having trouble with it again. The trash pickup problem is at 3836 and 3838 McGonagal. Three weeks ago I called the trash people about some allied waste pick up and I put my signs up there the way they instructed me to do it and here it is more than 3 weeks later and that trash is still sitting there with my sign on it. I have called them at least 4 times in the meantime. I simply do not know what to do about this problem. All they do is tell me they will tell their drivers whatever they need to tell them but they don’t seem to get the message to them. I am very frustrated. If you can get that problem solved for me I’d appreciate it very much. Thank you, bye.
Jen Whitewing
Futuristic School by Microsoft: I got some information from the Governor’s office about this fascinating thing you may know about it called the school of the future and it was a joint project between the Philadelphia Public School District, the City of Philadelphia, and also the Microsoft Company. It’s a pet project of Bill Gates. It has to do with building a school that is so innovative and futuristic that’s it’s a prototype for an ideal way of educating our youth. I wanted you to look at it online and get some interesting ideas so we might be able to do that for our kids at some point in the future. It’s Philadelphia school of the future by Microsoft. You will probably be able to figure it out online. Thank you.
Boise Schools
Linda Coughlin
3785 N. Farlight Place
Boise, ID 83713
Abandoned Cars: I have a question and concern about several junk cars that are parked outside. I believe the address is really on Cloverdale, which backs up to my yard. They are next to the Serenity Alzheimer’s unit. They have a couple of junk cars out front but really out back is really where my concern is. They have several and they have added a couple of additional cars out there. It backs right up to my fence and right back there is a pond and drainage ditch. We are all on septic tanks and well water so I’m a little concerned about what might be seeping into the water possibly so I was wondering if someone could come take a look. Thank you.
Dec 8, 2006, 5:37 pm
I read mr. Groits article and it occured to me that if we really want to put boise on the map , showing the rest of the country that we can actually produce in quantity an energy device that runs on Hydrogen and produces no pollution is a great idea!
If I’m correct it’s 50 year old technology but the idea of actually showing how useful and efficient it is during our country’s ( The World’s?) energy crisis is brand new! Mr. groit I’ll work with you on trying to get funding for this primo project as will,I’m sure numerous individuals in this area. Please contact me via my e-mail [email protected] or through the guardian.