Seems the GUARDIAN just can’t get away from politics, even in Mexico City during a business trip last week.
At a major intersection with the Latin American Tower on one corner and the Palace of Fine Arts on another we found protesters from the state of Varacruz who claimed the government had left them practically nothing. They had even lost the shirts off their backs. Close inspection indicated at least most of these people had shoes.
Some locals claimed they are just a bunch of boobs who are paid by the political opposition to call attention to themselves in an effort to get investigations started of politicos like Vincente Fox, the former president of Mexico.
Based on the placement of photos of a senator named Delgado, the male demonstrators were able to convey the message they felt he was somewhat of a nickname for Richard. There may have been a government cover up involved, but not with the demonstrators.
Make no butts about it, even though police ignored them as they played in the traffic, had there been any arrests there would have been no need to search for concealed weapons. The demonstrators obviously carried no identification either.
All this got us to thinking how enlightened our friends south of the border can be. With all the growthophobe sentiment, the GUARDIAN offers some strategic planning ideas to get the message across. Boise, Meridian and Eagle would be good targets for Mexican-style demonstrations.
Bound to get lots of COVERAGE in the media, but perhaps a nice spring day in April would be the best time for the event.
Nov 10, 2007, 3:24 pm
You need to come home friend! Too much Mescal!
Nov 10, 2007, 3:49 pm
LOL, if that’s the skinny on Mexican politics I’d hate to see the fat cats on the protest lines. Looks like a well fed bunch to me.
Nov 10, 2007, 7:57 pm
At least these good people do much more than pontificate; Literally, putting their asses on the line!
Democracy ain’t an armchair sport.
P.S. Thank you for taking the time during your vacation to post.
Nov 10, 2007, 8:14 pm
Before we do much needed like protesting I’d like to wait for warmer weather!!!
As to the shapes of the bodies – look like normal human beings rather than the starved and shaped folks shown on TV and in national rags. Show us how you look ericn!!! Eat some good down home cookin’ and forget the popularity of anorexia!!!
EDITOR NOTE–Sam, you need to READ the story and not just look at the pictures. We suggested a warm day in April would be about right.
Nov 10, 2007, 9:56 pm
There has not, and will not, ever be a day when this would make sense! I would ask that you all shut your eyes, sit back , and think about certain members of the valley’s cities council, The legislature, and members of the public that you have observed testifying or simply observing the various meetings and public hearings.
Now, imagine them naked except for a carefully placed picture of Bieter, Otter, Simpson or Bush.
My God! Such a frightening thought should be stricken forever!
Nov 10, 2007, 10:30 pm
Cyclops, I think the G-man is aiming to plant the naked protest seed with the liberal hard body growthophobes who jog and bike the hills rather than the likes of certain politicos.
My fear is Wonk Vader will show up wearing nothing more than those goofy spectacles he wears.
Nov 11, 2007, 7:41 am
Thanks for uncovering the latest Mexican political scandal. Maybe this will spread to Boise?
I am leading a one-man crusade to move the Republican convention from St. Paul to Hayden Lake, ID.
There was a Larry Craig type incident in Washington State involving a legislator and a rent boy.
Nov 12, 2007, 11:33 am
Mr. Guardian… I hope you are not giving our local politicians ideas here.
And I can tell you right now if Vernon Bisterfeldt ever leads one of these protest I am holding you personally responsible!
Nov 12, 2007, 3:39 pm
Wow, Maybe this is the perfect medium to carry the property tax reform message to the Legislature.
Nov 12, 2007, 10:11 pm
Gee thanks. I guess I won’t be visiting this site while at work on my breaks anymore (I’m sending this from home as I had to close the window at work and hope I didn’t get in trouble). Whilst there is certainly nothing sexually exciting about these pictures (and I’m not offended either) most places of employment would not take kindly to this being up on the screen. A link to the pictures with a warning would have been more responsible on your part and preferable than right there on opening the home page.
As to those considering trying such a similar protest in Boise maybe you can get art students to sketch it so it will be legal (ha ha).
Thanks for no warning when opening your home page!
P.S. Did you keep the really exciting pictures for your own personal enjoyment and if so aren’t you going to share those?
Nov 13, 2007, 6:45 am
Who says that he does not find these photos exciting? Some folks enjoy the human form in all shapes, sizes and ? genders. nudge nudge wink wink say no more!!
He does have an eye for news.
Nov 13, 2007, 4:43 pm
Yo Thanks,
So you’re saying your boss(es) don’t otherwise care that you surf the web using their equipment and on their dime?
Wow… You must be in the Public / Non-Profit Sector!
Nov 15, 2007, 12:11 am
I just can’t imagine going out in public naked. No one would want to see that. Of course, those folks have really great skin color – not like us old whities. I hope they got what they picketed for. Must have been fun.
Nov 16, 2007, 11:45 am
After reading about the handcuffed perp. getting mauled by a BPD Police dog in the privates, I doubt anyone will dare this kind of protest in Boise. One request though, if anyone thinks this is a good idea can you go have a few tanning booth sessions first? The pasty white bread Idahoans protesting nekkid idea, makes me want to hurl. I’m ok with non whitey types gettin natural and protestin.