GUARDIAN reader Clancy offers up some logical and common sense ideas about bike safety as school gets underway in Boise and all the surveys, committees, and news of bike accidents have been discussed.
Boise and the Treasure Valley are in the midst of an epic bike and motor vehicle conflict. New cycling infrastructure will not cure this as fast as all concerned parties can. Cycling safety should be a
community approach. By recognizing each of our rights and responsibilities through some compassion and compromise, we can make the roads safer for all.
Bike Owners
Become accustomed to general bike safety and proper riding ettiquette on roadways.
Local Bike Shops (LBS)
Ensure new and existing customers are aware of bike safety and proper riding etiquette on roadways.
Bike Advocacy Organization/ Clubs
Many members of these organizations are competent cyclists but could be better ambassadors for cycling. A few compromises will go along way to ensuring public opinion remains positive.
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement can enforce current State Statutes regarding bikes while providing an education to
cyclists.Educate all officers about current bike laws.
Local Governments
Help to further Boise’s image as a Bike Friendly City. Boise needs an avenue for getting more people into the streets. Ciclovia started in Bogota and is a weekly event to get citizens out in the streets. Ciclovias promote health, safety awareness and environmental benefits.
Local Media Outlets
Help promote bike safety through ad campaigns.
Sep 3, 2009, 8:07 am
Very good ideas, but I dont think bikes can ride abreast at any time anywhere, right?
Sep 3, 2009, 9:32 am
Clancy nails it!
“Compassion and compromise” on the part of all roadway users will make more difference, frankly, than more bike lanes and more laws on the books (that will go largely unenforced, just like the current laws).
My experience is that 95% of motorists can interact gracefully with, maybe, 75% of the cyclists.
(There are more cyclists who are either clueless about how to do it, or choose to ignore both statutory laws and common-sense laws.)
“Can’t we all just get along?”
– Rodney King, 20th-century statesman/philosopher
Sep 3, 2009, 10:19 am
JB: “Very good ideas, but I dont think bikes can ride abreast at any time anywhere, right?”
JB, they CAN ride two abreast, legally. But doing so while holding up traffic is a prime example of the lack of “compassion and compromise” cited by Clancy!
Idaho Statute 49-718: Riding two abreast. Persons riding bicycles upon a highway shall not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of highways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane.
Sep 3, 2009, 10:55 am
JB- 2 abreast is allowed under certain circumstances.
I should of included a link to Idaho Cycling Statutes.
Sep 3, 2009, 2:12 pm
Clancy and Bikeboy thanks, for the clarification and the link. I think if everybody were more aware of the existing rules and followed them, everybody would be safer.
Sep 3, 2009, 5:14 pm
This is a good example of why law enforcement officer education is needed.
Sep 4, 2009, 12:56 pm
Awesome job, Clancy. Everyone has responsibilities concerning this issue.
Sep 8, 2009, 4:03 am
Cycling has been an adventurous sport since decades but there has to be certain amount of safety to be ensured. This is to prevent unavoidable circumstances.
Sep 23, 2009, 4:28 am
This is to prevent unavoidable circumstances. Cycling has been an adventurous sport since decades but there has to be certain amount of safety to be ensured.