James Clark
4325 Hoover St.
Boise, ID 83705
Road Work: I’m calling about yesterday – there was a notice on my door that … Hoover St. is a very short street that connects to Roosevelt, and it comes in then there’s another street that’s about a half block long that connects to Franklin; anyway, it was a notice that they’re going to come in and cut up some trees and then next summer come and resurface the road. The road is fine and they need money for education and I think this highway department is out of control. They’re spending money out here on I-84 and all this, and then cutting education. I don’t want that; forget about the road, it’s fine. The money needs to go elsewhere, for education. I would appreciate it if somebody would call me back about this.
Action Taken: Left message
Steven Hill
11889 W. Bronte
Boise, ID 83709
Traffic Issues: This is for the Honorable Mayor Bieter and City Councilman Vern Bisterfeldt. During the discussions at the City Council meeting, Vern Bisterfeldt said that traffic for the development of Rivendell Estates would be divided between Walden Pond and Brookhollow Subdivisions, and it would be divided equally. This has not happened; it seems that all traffic is directed to come through Walden Pond. The directions given on television, print media, and by people holding signs on street corners direct traffic through Walden Pond. On Saturday, 23 January between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. there were over 200 vehicles which came through the intersection of Bronte and Browning, with more than 60 vehicles blowing through the stop sign. On several occasions there were incidents where children were almost hit. The police were called on several occasions and we were given some very nice lip service but no one ever came out to take care of the situation. They did finally come out on Sunday but they were only here intermittently and in the time they were here they saw vehicles running the stop sign and did write a couple of tickets then. We need some help in fixing this dangerous problem. Please give me a call. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted he is also working w/ ACHD
Graffiti: I was walking my dog yesterday around noon at Winstead Park on Northview. There’s a large metal sign there at the entrance and some young man who didn’t have anything to do painted a four-letter word in big black letters on it. I just thought someone should go there and take it off. There are a lot of young children, although it doesn’t really matter whether they’re young children, but anyway if you need to call me back, please do. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Donald McCurcher
Homeless: My comment is this: by making people homeless for pennies when the bank takes their house, do you think the bank pays property taxes, you idiots?
Feb 3, 2010, 7:08 pm
Road work: Does the Editor have any numbers for percentage of budget money used in compensation of personnel (wages, benefits, etc.) and internal operating expenses, now vs. 40 years ago within organizations like ITD and ACHD.
There is a huge hole in the boat someplace and I’m getting hoof rot. Some say we are much better than back east, as if that a reason to feel better.
Feb 4, 2010, 12:35 pm
Criminy! There are traffic problems in subdivisions with such pastoral, idyllic monikers as Walden Pond and Brookhollow? Who woulda thunk?!!
Perhaps Mr. Hill and his neighbors could get together and go after the developer(s), for leading them down the Primrose Path with such blatant false advertising!
(On the bright side, I’ve gotta think the kids who live near the intersection of Bronte and Browning probably do very well in their literature studies!)