Archive for March, 2010

School For Pregnant Teens Cheaper Than Welfare?

We’re going to take a big step and post the following information which comes from Andy Hedden-Nicely, a one time Democrat politico for the U.S. senate, and one time founder of the Boise WEEKLY. As with any one-sided post from outside the GUARDIAN fold, we will gladly accept opposing views of approximately the same length. […]

Bruneau Dunes Could Be Abuzz with ATVs

During the Vietnam War an Army officer explained a village had to be burned “in order to save it.” Idaho Parks Director Nancy Merrill finds herself in that same situation today as she considers allowing dune buggies to chew up the tallest free standing sand dune on the continent to possibly make a few bucks […]

All Public Records Should Remain PUBLIC

Freedom of Information in Idaho is being attacked by some of the people who have taken an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of Idaho–coppers. The police bill approved last week by the senate state affairs committee would allow police, prosecutors, and prison guards to conceal their private phone and home address numbers […]

Mayor Hotline February 20 – 26

DOGFIGHT WITH F-35, TRASH TALK, PHOTO OP AT REDLIGHTS, SNEAKY SMOKERS Dan Buerstetta 5473 S. Broad Wing Way Boise, ID 83716 336-4464 F-35: I attended the meeting that the government put on regarding the F-35, I’ve read articles, and I’m very much against it. I think it would be devastating for the tax base, homes will devalue […]

Time To Send Legislature Home

Silly season has arrived at the Idaho Legislature with the Antichrist Dems voting in lockstep against God of all things. This comes after a resolution to encourage God and English passed the House Thursday on a 50-17 vote, according to a story by AP. We actually don’t have a problem with having government business transacted […]

ITD Workers Apparently Broke Secret Rules

Despite the best efforts of the GUARDIAN, the alleged violations on the part of 22 Idaho Transportation Dept. workers for “misuse of equipment” remains a secret. The Daily Paper broke the story earlier this week. We were initially impressed with news that Brian Ness jumped on allegations of “misuse of equipment” and apparently is holding […]

Eagle Mayor Quits Amidst Controversy

After the GUARDIAN provided a forum for critic Saundra McDavid’s revelation that Eagle Mayor Phil Bandy was holding two government jobs the legacy media picked up on the issue and Bandy suddenly resigned his position as mayor Monday. Eagle’s political weather is as stormy as this past winter on the Eastern Seaboard–the stuff just keeps […]

Fraud Alert To Educators–Xpress Flex

We are posting this memo sent to Nampa School District employees as a public service to alert others who may do business with Xpress Flex. No word on the scope of the damage, but certainly not good news to folks who thought they were making a wise financial decision. There will no doubt be more […]
