Archive for July, 2011

MAyor Hotline June 25 to July 1

6/26/11 Robert Walsh W Moore Street Boise, ID 83702 ISSUE: His neighbor has a dog that barks all day and during the night. He’s spoken with the owner and has requested that she do something to cease the barking, but she has refused. Police 6/26/11 Sondra Blessent Moore Street ISSUE: She and her children, who […]

Spend the Cash and Spin The Justification

Sometimes we can only shake our heads in disgust. Seems that government just has more money than they can spend. The following item was on the Caldwell City Council agenda. When the Caldwell GUARDIAN sought an explanation, city officials forced him to file a public records request. “4. Approve Resolution authorizing the granting up to […]

E-15 Fuel No Good For Older Cars

A GUARDIAN car buff reader sent this along as a reminder, warning, grump at the Feds: BY BILL GOODNIGHT The “ethanol industry” (mostly prospering corn farmers) has successfully lobbied the EPA to issue a final rule approving the use of gasoline diluted with 15% ethanol (E15). EPA recognized this fuel will seriously damage vehicles manufactured […]
