The question of “paper or plastic” will be answered by voters at the polls in Hailey November 8 when they cast their ballots on a proposed ordinance banning plastic bags.
The issue got on the local ballot due to the efforts of the Wood River High school environmental club, W.A.T.E.R. (We Appreciate The Earth’s Resources).
The issue goes way beyond the move to reduce pollution and use of petro chemicals. Not only is it a “greenie” political topic, but the folks in neighboring Jerome stand to get a bit of a slap in their collective face.
Seems the Hilex Poly Co.–the largest plastic grocery bag manufacturer in the USA–has a plant employing 125 workers in Jerome. The firm has a total of nine production facilities scattered around the USA. Hilex has hired a high powered PR firm, “Gallatin Public Affairs, formerly The Gallatin Group, to help defeat the proposed bag ban. Gallatin has a liberal reputation including that of former Idaho Guv and Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus who is “of counsel” at the firm.
Not only will the W.A.T.E.R club students get a lesson in environmental advocacy, but the kids will also learn about politics, unemployment, economics, and public relations–regardless of how voters answer the “paper or plastic” question.
Oct 18, 2011, 1:21 pm
LOL, Why don’t they all move into small apartments and turn the heat down.
There’s no place quite like SunValley and Aspen… Hot young wife of super rich guy leaves (1.5 average) kids in running Range Rover with one of the nannies while she environmentally responsibly does her own shopping before heading back to the airport to pick up jet-setting hubby and heading up the canyon to the supermansion with heated superpool and 14 smog causing fireplaces.
I love money, the more the better, but it’s too bad they don’t also replace these peoples brain with implants.
Oct 18, 2011, 3:47 pm
Wow, Zip has it all figgerd out. Go Zip!
Oct 18, 2011, 11:10 pm
The freeway was shutdown because a biologist found an endangered insect smashed on the windshield of a Wal-Mart truck at the TSA stazi checkpoint. The president is very excited now that all that freeway money can be put toward efforts to destroy what remains of our economy. He plans to interrupt Monday Night Football with this announcement until he can find a better way to force all to watch him.
Oct 19, 2011, 8:34 pm
Nothing new here. Just one more recycled idea from the left coast. Perhaps the lemmings of that area prefer killing trees for fiber bags so they will have more paper to roll their illegal alien supplied doobies.
That little county has been nothing but a zit of festering idiocy on the heartland of Idaho since it was discovered by the damned easterners and their left coast refugee counterparts!