Interesting Stuff

Cyclops Closes The Good Eye

Cyclops was a simple man
Who was not city hall’s biggest fan
He exposed sneaky schemes
By Mayor Dave’s teams
Rest In Peace Jim Monihan

–Poet Paul

“Cyclops,” one of the most frequent commenters and loyal readers of the GUARDIAN closed his good eye Sunday for the last time, a victim of cancer.

For those who remember the name, we can now tell you Cyclops was Jim Monihan, a one-eyed bald guy who was an advocate of the common man and one of those guys who “got it” when it came to life, politics, and humor. Over the years he posted 1,135 comments on the GUARDIAN and most were written about 5 or 6 a.m.

Here is one of our favorites from a “Mayor Hotline” post:

“Be sure to scan through the remainder of team Daves shenanigans and read the call from Tom Sweeney.

Tom has owned the Dutch Oven cafe in one form or another for the last, I believe, 40 years. He has been at his current location for about 15 years. I guess some “Bone headed,IDIOT at compliance has decided that Tom’s sign is no longer “legal”.

This guy is 85years old, damned near blind,but still opens that little cafe each morning. He serves comfort food to the same group of people that have become friends over many years.

The thought of some “Blithering Fool from city hall” standing around telling this man what he can and can’t do, just boils my blood. If there was ever a citizen’s fight that needs a champion, this is it!”

Twice when Team Dave attempted to garner support for a trolley, Cyclops visited the “public information” site in a downtown storefront passing out flyers with facts gleaned from the GUARDIAN.

He reveled in telling the story of being forced to a backroom table where citizens wishing to fill out “comment cards” sat to write their thoughts–AFTER Jim had a chance to share the “rest of the story” with them. No surprise that most folks were against spending money for a downtown trolley.

We will all miss the pirate who wore Hawaiian shirts and a black eye-patch.

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  1. Such sad news this a.m. on the passing of Jim Monihan, aka “Cyclops.”

    He will be remembered and missed for his fiery spirit that would put poxes on the houses of those who lie to get/stay elected, and his impassioned insistence on truth, honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability by public officials.

    In his final post a few weeks ago, he rose in defense of Boise journalist David R. Frazier and the Boise Guardian after personal attacks on them by a misguided poster.

    Condolences to his family and vast network of friends nationwide with whom he shared a love of the fine art of barbecuing.



  2. Nice to know he can see with new eyes now. Hopefully we will see others step up to fill the space Jim leaves. We will miss him.

  3. Jim will be missed. At least we remember his favorite term for the big guy down at city hall – “Baboon”.

    Or his favorite way of signing off. “One heckuva way to run a railroad!”

    EDITOR NOTE–He once apologized for using the “baboon” epithet because it offended the baboons.

  4. I met “Cyclops” at the trolley PR storefront. (As soon as I saw the eye patch, the handle came clear!)

    His commentary was lively and enjoyable to read; I for one will miss him. (But I also have faith that he’s in a better place than any of us, where the “politics” are all straightforward and above-the-board.)

  5. Rod in SE Boise
    Dec 12, 2011, 9:59 pm

    We’ll all miss Jim here on the Guardian’s site.
