City Government

Kuna Mayor Seeks Committee View On Fees

Kuna’s mayor and planning director seem to have come to terms over a disputed $36,000 sewer and water hook up fee for two establishments owned by hizzhonor.

Newly elected and former Mayor Greg Nelson owns a restaurant and a bar which apparently never paid hook up fees according to the Planning Director, Steve Hasson. The GUARDIAN broke the story back in December revealing the dispute. The apparent lack of payment was caught in a State DEQ audit of the sewer department.

Now, Nelson wants the city council to review the matter and determine how much he owes–or doesn’t owe. Meanwhile Hasson is hitting the Oregon Trail west where he has been hired as the city manager of the small town of La Pine, south of Bend as their first city manager.

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  1. Loser Emeritus
    Jan 12, 2012, 4:10 pm

    But wait! The mayor said he paid it already! Is he offering to pay it twice? It didn’t take him long to start speaking out of both orifices(orifi?)like most politicians.

  2. Well good for Steven, I have always known him to be a person of honor and integrity. Kuna and the “we don’t need not stinking laws to manage growth” Boss Nelson are taking a giant step backward to their future.

    You can’t manage growth with a wink and a nod anymore. You have to have solid legal guidance in just about all things or you leave yourself open to all manner of litigation. Mr. Hasson’s job is and always will be a lightening rod for those who don’t get their way. Oddly enough it is usually the spoiled good o’l boys in any city that have difficulty with Planning and Zoning along with the City Engineers.

    Someday this valley may very well have triple the residents they currently have and you can either plan or react moving forward in managing growth.

  3. sharon fisher
    Jan 13, 2012, 7:41 am

    I heard a couple of years ago that the average tenure in a job for planning directors is only two years, so Steve did better than average. I will miss his vision.

  4. Heat rises and poop goes downhill. I hope Steve finds a less corrupt work environment than here in Idaho.

  5. Paul

    I hope your wrong about 3 times the population in the valley. We already have too many californio’s as it is.
