April 28–
Here is a posting from Tom Howell, a Demo candidate fro Ada County Commish seat 3.
Currently I am the Ada County Democrats Precinct Captain/Committeeperson for Precinct 135 (2201) in Western Meridian and District Chair for the new District 22 covering Western and Southern Meridian, Kuna and southern Ada county. I am running for Ada County Commissioner, District 3 and will face the winner of the primary contest between Republicans Sharon Ullman and Dave Case.
Yes, I am a newcomer to elected office but I am looking forward to the campaign. I am currently a licensed physical therapist and an instructor for Carrington College-Boise Physical Therapist Assistant program. I am also the Payment Specialist for the Idaho Physical Therapy Association and handle payment and reimbursement issues for our members. I formerly worked
at my own private physical therapy clinic, Howell Physical Therapy in Eagle;
however, I do not work there presently.
I got into this race because there needs to be a choice in this election between the current policies set by Ms Ullman and the overriding political tone to her decision making and someone who can restore leadership to the Commissioner’s office and make decisions based on the needs of the citizens not what is politically expedient.
April 26–
Check COMMENTS for some later candidate comments and announcements. We move this original post up periodically.
This post will serve as the candidate free space for the upcoming May primary. Most interest will be in the Ada Commission races, so feel free to ask the questions and if you are a candidate you can respond. We will post in the order received and move the post forward as new messages appear.
Jim Tibbs has an opponent in Larry Rincover, a Democrat. We have made repeated attempts to get info from him. Incumbent Sharon Ullman will face Dave Case who is featured below. She will not participate in the GUARDIAN public forum, preferring to use her own website.
My name is Steve Halvorson, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for Ada County Commissioner. I am humbled to have this opportunity to ask to serve the people. My goal is to immediately reduce property taxes and expenses for the people of Ada County. My philosophy is to minimize interference from local government, liberate local businesses in every way possible, and return money and reedom to the people.
Ada County Commissioners are basically responsible for our quality of life, health and welfare, public safety and sanitation. I intend to bring a higher quality of life and services with less taxation. I want to eliminate all unnecessary expenses and then use free-market principles to offer necessary services at a lower price with better quality. Using this model we can immediately reduce property taxes, service fees, and save millions of dollars for our local community. When businesses and people are allowed to keep the money they earn, there will be more employment and thus enough revenue for necessary services.
We need a leader with the backbone to dramatically reduce government and the determination to do it. I am asking for an opportunity to be that leader, and my foundation is the truth that government is a servant, not a master. I believe all elected leaders should have the philosophy of a limited government that must be a trustworthy steward of the people’s money.
I am a 4th generation Idahoan and a small business owner with a humble handyman service, and I understand the needs and struggles of the people. I want to bring the freedom to prosper to Ada County!
Please read more at my website www.SteveForIdaho.com.
3/4/12LARRY RINCOVER STATEMENT Larry Rincover has filed his candidacy for the 1st district seat on the Ada County Commission. Rincover, 66, is a real estate consultant. He has lived in Ada County for over thirty years and was a candidate for the Commission in 2010.
“I believe I can bring a new perspective to the Commission: Perhaps something different from “business as usual”. A citizen approach rather than the approach of a career politician.” Rincover said.
“Ada County is the largest county in Idaho with a population of almost 400,000. I think my background, experience and commitment are exactly what’s needed to be sure it’s governed efficiently and effectively.”
He will run as a Democrat in the primary and is he wins, he will oppose Jim Tibbs, a Republican, is Tibbs wins.
Dave Case was elected to the Commission in 2010. Case is a Hearing Officer for the State of Idaho and a Licensed Real Estate Agent with Mountain Realty. Besides holding public office, Case is active within the community, including his past service as a Trustee on the Kuna School Board. He has served as the Chairman for the Kuna Planning & Zoning Commission as well as participated as a coach and on the board of directors of numerous youth sports programs.
Be sure to read the comments below. Candidates and voters are posting questions and we need answers.
Feb 24, 2012, 1:39 pm
I would like an answer to the continuing question of what happened to the $2 million Ada County gave Dynamis. Commissioner Ullman said a long time ago, the money would be repaid. I would like full disclosure of what fund it came out of, why it was “loaned” to Dynamis, and when the taxpayers are going to get it back.
Feb 24, 2012, 4:00 pm
Shouldn’t the headline be “Free Candidate Forum”? Candidate Free Forum implies there are no candidates here.
EDITOR NOTE–Works for me. Consider it done.
Mar 2, 2012, 6:32 am
I want to thank the Boise Guardian for providing this Candidate Forum for the Elections. I will be launching my Campaign Website shortly but there have been questions on how to get ahold of me. Here is my email address
[email protected]
I will be completing a news release soon. Thanks for all of your support.
Mar 2, 2012, 10:18 am
Mr. Case;
Stepping outside of your current ACHD role, if elected to Ada County Commish, do you think a separate government entity is needed for Ada County roads, or should these activities be overseen by Ada County and the Cities for each’s respective streets?
As a note of background, I once attended an ACHD presentation where an ACHD management member touted that ACHD was very unique nationally, that they were not aware of an another entity separate from county and city governments that was specifically charged with road management (like ACHD). While it was presented as a unique trailblazing approach, I interpreted it as either we are right and represent the lone best practice, or we are outside of the standard best practice.
Thank you
Mar 2, 2012, 10:59 am
I would like to know how all the County Commissioner candidates feel about urban renewal and the lack of oversight of these agencies.
Also, what are the view on any big dollar projects they see on the horizon that will impact property taxes.
Mar 2, 2012, 1:06 pm
Comment to JJ…
ACHD is a far better approach to managing what they do. Small highway districts are little silos with their own bureaucracies and overload of administrative burden.
I would love to see a consolidation of all the highway districts in this valley into one unit that would actually do the most good for the greatest numbers of people. The model here is what happened to establish College of Western Idaho. It servers residents of both Canyon and Ada Counties and they do a good job of it and have garnered a lot of support in their short existence by those skeptical of their effort and mission.
Mar 2, 2012, 8:22 pm
I think Paul has best answered your question. ACHD (probably bias) does an excellent job in managing the roads within our County. The roads are in great condition and still provide each city and our tax paying citizens with their return on their tax dollar compared over time.
EDITOR NOTE–Case is an ACHD Commish running for Ada Commish.
Mar 2, 2012, 8:28 pm
I have filed for the Campaign as of today and issued a press release. I am proud to say that Commissioner Vern Bisterfeldt has endorsed my campaign. You can view the press release at http://www.caseforcommissioner.com
Thanks for all your support.
Mar 6, 2012, 9:20 pm
Mr Case
What are youre thoughts on the probation mess?
Mar 7, 2012, 8:13 pm
I am currently taking a look into the situation. I don’t like to speculate without seeing the facts and will have to get back to you on this. My guess is that the legislature will be addressing the legality part as to who can supervise who.
Mar 11, 2012, 7:10 am
My name is Jim Tibbs and I am a candidate for District 1 of the Ada County Commission.
My public service began when I joined the Boise Police Department in 1970. The 34-year career that followed allowed me to serve our community in several capacities from School Resource Officer to Police Chief.
Following retirement from the BPD, I was appointed to Chairman of the Board of Corrections and also Idaho’s first “Drug Czar.”
My desire to stay involved with the citizens of Boise, lead me to run for a seat on the Boise City Council—to which I was elected and served for four years.
Most recently I served as state coordinator for the Rural Law Enforcement Methamphetamine Initiative. It has been an honor and a real privilege to serve the citizens of Boise and the State of Idaho.
I believe that my many years of experience working for the City of Boise and the State of Idaho has provided me the opportunity to build invaluable relationships which have been indispensable when dealing with the complex growth issues facing the city, county, and state.
I am offering my experience and commitment to uphold honest, open, ethical government practices and to conduct the county’s business with integrity for the citizens of Ada County.
For more information, please visit tibbsforadacounty.com
Thank you,
Apr 26, 2012, 9:32 am
I am Secretary of the West Bench Neighborhood Association. Wednesday May 2nd at 7:00PM at the library at Cole and Ustick The WBNA is hosting a Free Candidate forum. Come and meet the candidates.
More information on WBNABoise.org
Apr 26, 2012, 10:28 am
I am also running for Ada County Commissioner district three as an independent.
The foundation of my campaign is consensus based. In public meeting we all get together and you decide what my marching orders are.
Since I am an independent I am not subject to a primary with all the advantages and dis advantages that come with it.
I am more than happy to answer questions anyone may have.
It is time for a real public servant not just same stuff different mascot.
Apr 26, 2012, 2:18 pm
Mr. Halvorson…can you please tell us what you think are “unnecessary expenses” in the county budget. Also, what county services would you put out for the free market?
Apr 27, 2012, 9:54 am
Having had recent dealings with ACHD there isn’t a chance in H___ I would vote for anyone associated with that bunch of arrogant and incompetent bureaucrats. Dave (Case), clean up the sewer you are already in before moving to a new one.
Apr 27, 2012, 10:23 am
This statement needs correction: “Jim Tibbs has an opponent in Larry Rincover, a Democrat. We have made repeated attempts to get info from him.”
If he wins the Republican primary, in the November general election Jim likely will face Larry, who is unopposed in the Democratic primary.
EDITOR NOTE–Since the original posting we have been able to talk with Rincover. In fact we had coffee with Rincover and Tibbs at the same time. Both have similar views on many topics including Urban Renewal for example.
It is unclear which of them has failed to respond to “repeated attempts to get info” since there is info about each of them above.
May 8, 2012, 1:34 pm
I recently heard that if Dave Case is elected, he will reverse the transition of ACMPS to the sheriff’s dept and give the contract back to Nancy Cladis. Is this true? Does anyone know how much money the county has paid Nancy Cladis in recent years for her contract?
EDITOR NOTE–Can’t imagine that would be true since Case worked for the state parole dept until he resigned to run for office. As we understand it, the program is funded by the users–those on probation who pay directly to Cladis’ business. And that has been the big issue with regard to profit, audits, rates, etc.