
Dynamis Project Is A Major Power Outage After DEQ Suspends Work On Permit

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has stopped working on the Dynamis permit–which had been on a fast track application schedule.

DEQ officials say the application is incomplete and cite details in a highly TECHNICAL LETTER to Dynamis which was released today.

The GUARDIAN has also learned the plan called for water supplied by United Water to operate the scrubbers in the emission control stacks as well as that water heated to generate steam. According to the DEQ, the water with concentrated pollution would be collected in tanks and either held in evaporative ponds at the landfill or trucked to a municipal sewage treatment facility.

Boise’s plant would be out of bounds because the city passed an ordinance several years ago banning disposal of waste from outside the city in a city sewage treatment plant.

See the following story for more Dynamis bad news filed earlier today.

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  1. The translation of the letter is fairly straightforward, you can’t get there from here. In other words, please delineate exactly how you can burn tires without a major impact on air quality. If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with…. Especially if it will get you a $2 million “investment”.

  2. All news from Dynamis is bad. I think most of us are scratching our heads and wondering what Sharon Ullman and Rick Yzaguirre were thinking. Maybe they weren’t actually thinking – or maybe just thinking about themselves. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop that will reveal why Sharon & Rick were in such as rush to push this through without any input from the taxpayers. I betting it won’t be good for the county.

  3. Who were the main lobbyists or face people for Dynamis? I want to know who was working on the two commissioners the hardest.

  4. Okay. I see the registered lobbyist for 2012 for Dynamis at the state level is Scott Turlington.

    EDITOR NOTE–Who has a history with Kempthorn and Tamarack.

  5. Rod in Boise
    May 25, 2012, 12:09 pm

    Think about it. We’ve got the Mayor and City Council pushing mass transit rail where it won’t work, banning smoking, banning alcohol on the greenbelt and river, the BPD out of control (less so now than in past years, but still), and closing the depot to the public. (what have I forgotten?)

    Countless scandals in Ada County government, and a state government that disses education and tries to wage war on women.

    We need federal marshall law to clean up these messes. At least the FBI hires college grads who wear suits, shave, and are reasonably competent at their jobs. Compare that to what we have. Shudder.

  6. The letter indicates that the project is not viable. The Dynamis folks had to know this when they submitted the plans for review and are undoubtedly buying time to figure out their exit strategy with a bag of county cash. It has been a scam from the getgo

  7. Yup, Turlington was VP Govt Affiars at Tamarack, where Mahaffey was an original investor.

  8. chicago sam
    May 25, 2012, 2:32 pm

    Attorney representing Dynamis before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission is Ronald L. Williams who is associatted with the law firm of Williams and Bradbury.
    Mr. Williams is also the attorney of record for the Idaho Energy Resources Authority a State agency I would describe as Urban Renewal for electric companys

  9. Why why why
    May 25, 2012, 3:25 pm

    All the private meetings held with Fred Tilman and later the additional commissioners, out of the public eye–never posted to agendas, never clerked by clerks, no records ever kept, in preparation for ultimately signing the contract giving them the $2 million for heaven knows what–were with Scott Turlington and Lloyd Mahaffey.

    Why, why, why would anyone rush to give $2 much less $2 million to these utterly nonreputable people who were known for poor business practices already? In return for what?

    And why did Ullman and Yzaguirre just expand from a 5-year to a 30-year lease to benefit Dynamis even more?

  10. BG-thanks for keeping this story alive, a lot of people would prefer it was swept under the rug.

  11. Regarding your statement that the city sewage treatment plant would be off limits because it won’t accept waste from outside the city; is Hidden Hollow landfill outside the city limits?

    EDITOR NOTE–Not certain, but believe it is county. Irony is that most of the trash of course comes from the city. That ordinance was aimed at Avimor.

  12. This is another example of “private” companies that have business plans that go as follows: 1. Have the public pay for everything.

  13. Avimor was trucked.

    If the landfill has sewer service their wastewater could conceivably be discharged directly into the sewer system if public works gives them the ok.

    EDITOR NOTE–Landfill has holding ponds. Avimor was/is trucked, but Boise rejected it and probably still does, forcing them to send it elsewhere.

  14. The DEQ sent the letter to the wrong people. The should have sent it to Sharon Ullman – she has all of the answers we need.

  15. I see they have the plans up for sale on Craig’s List. “$2M or best offer”

  16. Frazier – you need to put a “Like” button here. Good one Zippo

  17. I agree Zippo, very good indeed.
