The GUARDIAN has received word Allen Derr has died within the hour, following a prolonged illness. His wife, Judy Peavey-Derr was at his side in their Boise residence.
The local attorney who made a name for himself and changed the way American courts consider women’s rights had a long history of championing fairness causes. His famous victory in REED vs REED in the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Idaho law which gave fathers priority in legal matters when children die.
Outside the fly fishing shop on Vista, just south of Overland there is a stone monument proclaiming “SALLY REED lived here”–the woman whom Allen Derr represented resided at a house which once stood on that spot.
As a consulting member of the Idaho Press Club he helped journalists with issues from open meetings in government to public record access.
As details become available we will update this report.
Jun 10, 2013, 12:37 pm
Not only a deservedly-notable attorney but a genuinely nice human being. I’ll miss seeing him around the capitol.
Condolences to Judy.