
CWI Has Multiple Venues

“Chicago Sam,” a long time GUARDIAN reader, compiled some info gleaned mostly from the College of Western Idaho website which reveals the institution has multiple venues either owned, or leased in Canyon and Ada Counties.

He offers a summary along with the owners of leased parcels to the best of his ability to obtain the information. We offer this information in light of the recent issues surrounding the purchase agreement between CWI and the Rice Family trust for land at 30th and Main in Boise.

CWI has 14 identified locations on their website. Some are owned by CWI and tax exempt, others are leased.

Here is a condensed rundown:

1. Ada County Lynx building–9300 Overland road–total value $5,047,000 tax paid $86,709.62 owned by SUNDANCE INVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP

2. Ada County Campus Mallard bldg. 9100W. Black Eagle Drive–total value $4,042,000 tax paid $66,759.99 owned by SUNDANCE INVESTMENTS PARTNERSHIP

3.Ada County Campus Pintail Center– 1360 S. Eagle Flight Way-
-owned by SHERRON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP–TOTAL VALUE $4,191,800–TAX PAID $72,006.96—10 year lease

4. Ada County Campus Quail Building–1450 Eagle Flight Way

5. Canyon County Center–2407 Caldwell Blvd–exempt property –was part of BSU and turned over to CWI

6. CWI Culinary Arts @ BSU—1310 University Drive

7. CWI Fruitland—129 N. Whitley Drive, Fruitland

8 CWI Horticulture–2444 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise

9.Nampa Campus Academic Building–5500 E. Opportunity Drive–tax exempt and owned by CWI –97.61 Acres

10.Nampa Campus Administration Building–6056 Birch Ln. owned by Big Sky Investors, 7761. W Riverside Dr. Boise–total value $3,119,400

11.Nampa Campus Aspen Classroom Bldg.–6002 Birch Lane–total value $2,046,040–
owned by Big Sky Investors LLC

12. Nampa Campus Micron Center For Professional Technical Education–5725 E. Franklin Road, Nampa–owned by CWI and tax exempt but value is listed @ $11,078,910–16.36 Acres–believe this is formerly Sam’s Club.

13. Nampa Campus Multipurpose Building–6042 Birch Lane, Nampa owned by Aspen Creek Partners, 7761 W Riverside Drive Boise–total value $2, 736,100

14. Nampa Campus Professional Truck Driving–5252 Treasure Valley Way, Nampa
—-name association–Big Sky Investors–William D. Evans reg agent, 7761 Riverside Drive
Lexicon properties Inc.–Dyan Chacon Gilbert Chacon
Aspen Creek Partners–7761 Riverside Drive –David Evans–David Evans Const.
Sherron partners—13095 N. Andy’s Gulch, Boise–John Malitta, HIQ Corparate svcs, 101 Capitol Blvd–Montana registration
Sundance Investments–3405 Overland Rd. Ste 150, Meridian–Roger Anderson, Susan Anderson, Phil O’Bryan

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  1. Richard Evensen
    May 4, 2015, 3:02 pm

    This an EXCELLENT informative post. It has been my position that CWI administrators are seeking the grandeur of an on the river posh site for their own pleasure. They have not specified what programs would be housed at the new grossly over priced site, but you can be sure there will be beautiful admin offices perched right on the river.
    Take a look at a satellite view of the main Nampa campus on 97 acres. It is at 5500 E. Opportunity Drive, Nampa. They are only using about a third of the available land. It is the allure of big city center of power exclusive address that led to this boondoggle. They should cancel immediately.

  2. Getting people on the student-loan hook is very big business.

  3. CWI should consolidate their campuses to the Nampa north center off of opportunity drive. Just like CSI in Twin Falls, they need a full campus not a fragmented campus.

    The Sam’s club building is the Micron Center now.

    The Culinary Arts program was suspended as a new facility is sought according to the website.

  4. When landlords lease to tax exempt public educational institutions, the landlord is eligible to apply for a pro-rata property tax reduction which reduces property taxes by the percent of the facility occupied by the school. So while many of these businesses report taxes paid, it may only be for the portions of the property occupied by private businesses.

    EDITOR NOTE–JJ is correct. This quiet exemption applies to education, but not other government lessees. One can only hope the lease rates were lowered by the amount of taxes not paid by the owners of these multi-million dollar buildings.

  5. Looks like CWI likes to line the pockets of a lot of folks by leasing property. Where there competitive bids done in each of these locations? Doubt it.

    It might be interesting to see who the involved parties are in all these leasing companies – we might find even more “sweet deals” and “triple the value” payouts.
