Archive for October, 2016

Credit Union Robber Strikes Again

Some folks prefer credit unions over banks for their financial services. The GUARDIAN has enhanced images of two armed robberies and it appears the guy who robbed the credit union on Orchard October 5 is the same one who robbed the Idaho Central Credit Union at 6700 Overland Thursday. Note the beard, exaggerated white of […]

Random Points To Ponder

Sorry for the lack of material of late, but the fire in my ample belly is not burning too hot. For the sake of discussion and hoping to stimulate some discussion I will offer points to ponder, admittedly not researched, but worth noting. –DAVE FRAZIER, editor ADA COUNTY–We have been informed that two former “operations […]

Park Sign Shows Proper Poop Posture

Drinkin’, Fightin’, Smokin’ and Uber Problems

We got a “please play nice” press release from Boise coppers and based on their own numbers it seems that smoking, drinking and Uber cars are keeping them in business in the “vibrant downtown” of what we seek to be the “most livable city in America.” We have previously noted that about 25% of ALL […]

Team Dave At Odds With ITD, ACHD Pros

Boise’s urban renewal agency, Capital City Development Corp., and Mayor Dave Bieter’s Team Dave are at odds with both state and county road agencies over how to operate the Front-Myrtle corridor in downtown Boise, according to Don Day’s BOISE DEV website. Day did some really good reporting as he explained how Bieter and crew continue […]
