
“Dope Reporter” Warning During High Water

The long standing tradition of awarding the coveted GUARDIAN “Dope Reporter” status is about to re-emerge during the high water season along area rivers and streams.

The rules are simple. Any TV newsy caught needlessly standing in water will get the award. True rescues, wading to get a good camera angle, and other legitimate moves are exempt from the award. The award is intended to eliminate, well, DOPE REPORTER moves.

GUARDIAN readers are trained at spotting DOPE REPORTERS and can send nominations to us through the CONTACT button. Local nominations only please, we have seen many on national news of late.

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  1. Mark Thompson
    Feb 23, 2017, 9:52 am

    Why is wading to get a good camera angle exempt? Seems like that’s the very thing that this award should ridicule.

    EDITOR NOTE–We try to chide the “showbiz” aspect. For instance, a print reporter would never say, “I stood in the water to report this story.” This is supposed to be FUN! Click on the link to former winners.

  2. You must have seen the news last night about the south fork payette river. The report was standing on a rock about as far out as you can get to get the best camera angle.
