City Government

Guard and BOI Snub Vista Neighborhood

When it comes to doing battle in the Mideast, Idaho’s Air National Guard is ready to serve, but when meeting with Vista Neighbors, both the ANG and Boise’s airport officials avoid confrontation, refusing to join a panel discussion on the F-35.

The Vista Neighborhood Association will hold a meeting 7 p.m. Thursday April 27 at the Whitney Elementary School gym on the corner of Owyhee and Palouse, just south of Overland. The group is concerned about the potential of having the Air Guard flying F-35 fighters. While the official neighborhood stance is to gather more information and keep an open mind, many feel betrayed by the IANG and politicians bent on getting the noisy jet fighter based at Gowen.

Despite formal invitations to join a panel discussion, both the Boise Airport and IANG declined to participate. The panel will consist of Citizens for a Livable Boise, an environmentalist, a health professional, someone to address children hearing issues,and a PhD economist. Written questions will be answered.

In a letter to Vista Neighborhood president Mike Stefancic, IANG Maj. Chris Borders said, in part, “the Idaho National Guard does not engage with the public this way, nor are we authorized to do by the U.S. Air Force or the National Guard Bureau–our higher headquarters.” OK, good excuse.

But wait! There’s more! The GUARDIAN received a copy of an invitation to Boise Regional Realtors to attend a meeting May 23 which will include a “forum” with PANELISTS. Guess what? Both the Air Guard and Boise’s airport director will be on a panel discussing changes at the airport and Gowen Field. No opposing panelists will appear at that meeting.

Both the ANG and the Airport suggested the time to ask questions is AFTER Boise is selected as an F-35 base during the environmental impact phase of the project. Seems rather self-serving for government officials to put off public comment until LATER, while conspiring to get their own message out NOW. They use what they describe as the “heavy hitters” in the community through uniform talking points printed in ghost-written op-ed pieces supposedly authored by local politicians and bureaucrats.

See conflicting documents below.

Letter from Major Borders declining to join panel.

Realtor announcement with Air Guard officer on panel, despite prohibition from “higher headquarters.”


Comments & Discussion

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  1. I think IDANG and BOI snub all neighborhoods around the airport, when they claim they have a right to base F-35 in Boise. There is NO RIGHT TO MAKE NOISE.
    Some of the guest opinions called IDANG “our neighbors”.
    If one of my neighbors flew F-35 in and out of his property, I imagine City or County noise ordinances would be used to drive it out.

  2. Heinrich Wiebe
    Apr 25, 2017, 9:19 pm

    Last month BOI and ANG agreed to come to the neighborhood meeting.

    The invitation: “In our meeting NA meeting last night we discussed having a panel then Q and A on the F-35s on 4/27 at 7pm. Would you or a representative from ANG be willing to come make a 5 min statement and then field questions from the community? We’re thinking of having someone from the airport/city as well.”

    THE REPLY March 24th: “Mike,

    This sounds great! I need to check calendars and get back to you but I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to make this happen. We’d love the opportunity!

    Thanks, have a good weekend and more to follow!


    Enough said. Clear as day. Loud as an F-35.

  3. I find it interesting how the IANG response is like the Idaho Statesman Editorial Board of bring the F-35 now and fix problems later. Appears supporters are afraid of discussing true facts about F-35 in public. They are determined to turn the City of Boise into the next Burlington Vermont in the country.

  4. F-35 to Boise is already a done deal. They are being careful not to make any additional problems for themselves once the public understands they’ve been played.

    Most of the Bench will still vote for Team Dave — or not at all.

  5. The neighborhood associations are controlled by Team Dave loyalists. In short, you have no right to speak as an individual or group because the neighborhood association is speaking for you already — and the neighborhood association is the only recognized voice for you.

  6. Bieter Begone
    Apr 26, 2017, 9:58 am

    Inna. Boise basically snubs ALL neighborhoods if they aren’t in the downtown, some parts of the NE and of course, east state St.

    Unless they want to give the Fire Department Taj Mahals, then they will spend money. However, that doesn’t mean they care about the neighborhoods, only the Fire Union.

  7. Noisy F-35 Noisy Motorcycles Lets bundle them together on this.

  8. Robert: “Noisy F-35 Noisy Motorcycles Lets bundle them together on this.”

    Hopefully that’s just silliness. Motorcycle noise – even the loudest – doesn’t carry for more than a couple blocks or so. You can hear a military jet all over the valley.

    Or alternatively, I guess the bundling might be effective. Also include:
    – Kids in junky cars with 10,000-watt sound systems
    – backyard barking dogs
    – diesel pickup trucks
    – loud arguing at trailer parks and Walmarts
    – etc.

  9. Find a Realtor
    Apr 26, 2017, 2:00 pm

    Everyone should find a Realtor friend and go attend the Boise Realtor event.

    The neighborhood should have at least 25-30 people there WITH their Realtors. The Realtors will be able to confirm the negative impact on the house values due to noise.

    EDITOR NOTE–It gets worse. Micron is having a “VIP” luncheon 11am-1 pm May 4 at Beside Bardenay. No doubt there will be some military brass and politicos in attendance, but no commoners from the Vista neighborhood. Follow the money!

  10. Dave Kangas
    Apr 26, 2017, 3:07 pm

    I had a call last week from a Realtor who had attended a Boise Metro Chamber event. Boise Metro was actively pushing the importance of the F-35 while discrediting those that are against it. You should also read the letter from the City of Boise to all Neighborhood Associations further discrediting the opposing views.

    EDITOR NOTE–We quoted part of her letter in a previous post: “Unfortunately, some individuals who oppose F-35s coming to Gowen Field have disseminated a number of inaccuracies about Gowen Field and the potential new mission. Though the City of Boise, the Boise Airport, the Idaho Air National Guard, the State of Idaho and others have consistently provided the correct information they continue to extend erroneous material.”

    The GUARDIAN wrote Lacey asking for specific errors and identity of those she claimed were spreading the misinformation. She has not responded. We are told she had a pretty good reputation until she acted as a conduit for Team Dave’s top level staffers. We have copies of the documents where it was decided to use her.

  11. David Swickard
    Apr 26, 2017, 4:03 pm

    I find it interesting that everyone is upset with the “noise” created by the F-35 aircraft. Apparently none of these individuals were living in the neighborhood when the ID ANG flew the F-4 Phantom. That aircraft was much louder than the F-35. After the F-4, the ID ANG transitioned into the A-10 aircraft which is much quieter. I guess folks don’t understand that living in the vicinity of an airport means you will have aircraft noise. Equipment changes, both for the military and the commercial market. If the F-35 were not to come to Boise, what would happen when (or if) a commercial aircraft was brought in that had a higher noise level? The same complaints would occur. Folks who are concerned about noise from the airport have basically two alternatives, one is to move away to a quieter area, or two move the airport. Unfortunately if you moved the airport, folks would build near it as well and then you have the same situation. One thing to remember, the jet noise from whatever aircraft the ID ANG flies, is basically the sound of freedom. We each must pay something for the freedoms we enjoy. Even the freedom to complain about the noise.

    EDITOR NOTE–David, not sure your facts are correct. We welcome anyone with sources (either FAA or USAF) to provide actual numbers.

  12. Having flown the RF4c and looking at the USAF data on the engine system of the F-35 the F35 creates significantly more noise.

  13. Even if I was not very concerned about the public lands impact of the F-35s (which I am), I think that the F-35 issue is MUCH bigger in Boise than folks who may be worn down by the endless rebuffs from the City may think. It just screams arrogance, corruption, and broken government processes. I think more and more people in Boise are deeply concerned about the Good Old Boys and Girls network that runs this town and pretends to be “Green” and concerned about “Livability”.

  14. Yossarian_22
    Apr 29, 2017, 10:00 am

    D Swickard, I have lived in Boise when we had the F-102, the RF4C and the F4G WW, before the A-10s showed up. The RF4C driver that posted below you is correct. The F-35’s F135 engine will be much louder than all of the previous fighters. And the city had not built out like it had when the A-10 mission began. People who have witnessed the F-35 vs other current fighters say it’s much louder. Boise will be forced to rezone residential property that will become uninhabitable as home values drop and mitigation becomes expensive.
