
D’em Bones, D’em Bones Need DNA Test

When human bones were found in a badger hole recently, a major investigation by the Elmore county Sheriff’s office was triggered.

Turns out the bones are old. Really old. Like, before settlers, pioneers, or explorers. Members of the Shoshone-Piute tribe of Native Americans (Indians) are seeking to obtain the bones from the Bureau of Land Management and give them a proper burial.

Now comes GUARDIAN reader Ron Harriman, a renaissance man, engineer and eclectic personality with this cautionary note:

“Recently in the desert by Mt. Home they discovered the bones of two individuals which they have since determined to be as old as 1400 years.

The BLM is intending to turn these over to the Indians for reburial, but the investigation into the bones indicates that these individuals’ main food was corn. And corn is not known as an indigenous food north of Mexico. These bones need to be studied and the DNA analyzed prior to re burial. They obviously do not belong to any of the known tribes in this area. I have alerted the Boise State Anthropology Dept. and they agree.”

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  1. Shades of Kennewick Man?

  2. Mexican Bones
    Jul 21, 2017, 6:48 pm

    Maybe we give the bones back to the country where they came from – Mexico, or Panama, or Guatemala.

  3. Common Sense
    Jul 27, 2017, 12:57 am

    I hope we will hear more about this.
