City Government

Police Evicted From Capitol Blvd. Due To Mold

Boise coppers have been evicted from their substation at 1025 S.Capitol Blvd. across from Boise State University due to hazardous mold and probable asbestos contamination.

The former motel and restaurant is owned by the City of Boise and has been used for low cost housing for years. Police moved in after the new apartments were built in the Lusk neighborhood bringing in several thousand college students.

The exit move took place recently after officers suspected mold was present. A contractor was hired to evaluate the concerns and came back with a report indicating mold was present.

Chief William Bones moved his troops out to temporary quarters for another downtown presence. Officers have been provided with health information as part of the move.

One observer told the GUARDIAN, “frankly, the place is filthy!” When we talked to residents of the adjacent public housing apartments of the same vintage and people working in the same structure formerly occupied by coppers, they were all unaware of any mold or asbestos concerns.

The apartment residents said their quarters had not been inspected and they were puzzled at the sudden departure of the police at the complex.

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  1. “frankly, the place is filthy!”

    “they were all unaware of any mold or asbestos concerns.”

    You work (or live) in an OLD building?
    NEWSFLASH: Mold and/or asbestos is always a concern!

    Good job BPD for inspecting BEFORE they moved in. ha! Better yet for the City before they took ownership of of the building.

    From MAY 2017:
    “City leaders want the Downtown team to have a new, permanent headquarters sometime soon.”

  2. Problem Solved
    Feb 14, 2018, 10:41 am

    Since it has been determined in prior posts the library is no longer needed, they could move into the current library building. Bonus, this will keep the bums out of the library.
    EDITOR NOTE– cute idea on relocating coppers, but our posts have and always will be FOR libraries. We just want citizens to have a voice in financing the buildings.

  3. Since that micro-district office in question is where the bicycle cops roll out of, I’ll take the opportunity for a Tuesday Flashback:

    Jan 4, 2016. Guardian NY Resolution:
    “–All bicyclists wearing dark clothing at night with no lights on a bike shall serve mandatory prison sentence of 10 years.”

    To which, I, Easterner, responded:
    ALL?Boise cops on bikes are the worst offenders.

    Chief Bones, says it’s okay because their white uniform gets dirty.

    EDITOR NOTE–I will bet you a month’s GUARDIAN pay that if they don’t already wear high visibility reflective vests, Bones will require them after reading this entry. It simply makes sense.

    Editor, Any bets on their current uniform choice, TWO years later? 🙂

  4. Maybe Boise City elected officials intention is to have the building torn down so as to build a place for displaying cities artwork? Main street into the downtown core and on the planed downtown streetcar loop!?
    We should all be concerned that our elected officials don’t think it important to take care of our assets turning facilities into liabilities?

  5. Our public servants have a decades long record of not taking care of public properties. Several schools have had to be torn down because buildings are purposely neglected & allowed to deteriorate.
    Millions are purposely wasted to keep the swamp of building industry lobbyists who control local & state governments flush with taxpayer dollars.
    Political prostitution is directly responsible for the excessive property taxes we pay.
    We are paying a high price for not having the civic pride to enforce representative government, until that occurs our public servants will continue to rob & molest us.
