Archive for September, 2018

Free GUARDIAN Election Guidance

We have tried hard over the years to offer information while not endorsing candidates. We will stand by that policy, but several ballot measures need to to be addressed. PROP 1 knows as the “instant (or historical) racing vote is nothing more than an attempt to garner public approval of slot machines. Slots are outlawed […]

Boise Schools To Launch Marketing Campaign

Boise Schools has taken a page directly out of the Team Dave play book by seeking an advertising agency to create a demand for their services. The district will dedicate $175,000 for an advertising campaign in 2018-19, with an ongoing commitment for at least three years, according to documents obtained by IDAHO EDUCATION NEWS. Advertising […]

AG Again Declines To Prosecute ACHD Commish

The criminal division of the Idaho Attorney General’s office has again declined to prosecute ACHD Commish Jim Hansen over a series of e-mails that constituted a “serial meeting.” The commission voted 2-1 to send a letter (see previous post) asking for action following the original exchange in July. The IDAHO PRESS has a full report.

ACHD Commish Meeting Turns Ugly

Today’s noon meeting of the Ada County Highway District became somewhat raucous after Commishes Kent Goldthorpe and Jim Hansen were recused since they were principals in an open meeting law dispute stemming from e-mails authored by Hansen a month ago. No public testimony was allowed, but citizens shouted out during the discussion about sending a […]

ACHD Commish Tossed Under The Bus

The Ada County Highway District commission may not be in the transit business, but the commission chairman at least had no problem tossing a member under the bus. In a Monday letter signed by ACHD Commission president Sara Baker to the Chief Criminal lawyer at the Idaho Attorney General’s office, the commission appears to have […]

Library Hidden Costs Leave Bad Taste

We have had several readers contact the GUARDIAN expressing concern about the library proposal. Chief concern is the funding plan which is as “loosey-goosey” as the the fire department bond which was approved by voters, but failed to live up to its promise. Here is an excerpt from the preliminary contract with the “world class […]

Boise Copper On Wrong Side Of Bars

A 16-year veteran detective of the Boise police department found himself on the wrong side of the bars in Canyon County August 23rd when he was arrested and charged with DUI (driving under the influence) in Wilder. It looks like Jim Adams, 47, was involved in some sort of incident that prompted a “call for […]
