City Government

Ludwig Drops Out Of Council Race

Boise City Councilor (and counselor) Scot Ludwig announced Wednesday his decision to leave the Boise City Council at the end of his current term.

The move leaves an unexpected opening in the council and to his credit, it looks like the election process will prevail rather than the common practice of resigning and allowing the mayor to make an appointment who then runs as an incumbent.

In his swan song announcement, Ludwig praised his law school classmate, Mayor Dave Bieter, and offered a laundry list of nine things he would like to see happen in Boise.

He is a member of the CCDC urban renewal agency board and can retain the seat even after leaving the council. However, since he is both a lawyer and developer, he may leave to preclude allegations of conflict of interest which have been leveled in the past.

Here is Ludwig’s announcement:Boise Guardian and Dave Frazier (1)

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  1. Richard Llewellyn
    Jan 30, 2019, 5:38 pm

    Thank you Mr. Ludwig for championing the cause to save open space in our neighborhood! He took early interest in NW Boise when we reorganized as a neighborhood association last year, giving us encouragement to work within the process and to remain focused and positive. He also took time to come out and meet twice with our neighborhood and walk the land. We will always appreciate this support during a time when we really needed it!

    From the ID Statesman article:
    “Don’t make Hill Road denser: Ludwig opposes high-density residential development along Hill Road Parkway in Northwest Boise, where a proposed apartment project last year prompted neighbors to organize and fight. This stance puts Ludwig at odds with Bieter, who favors denser development there. “That’s what you get when you get a citizen council member,” Ludwig said, laughing.”

  2. Good for Ludwig leaving at the end of his term.

  3. Thank you Mr. Ludwig for all of your hard work. You have shaped this city in great ways!

  4. Glad you folks in NW Boise are pleased with him. We in East Boise aren’t so pleased. He felt St. Luke’s needed our Jefferson St. more than we did!

  5. Hooray for someone who understands term limits. He may have done a good job, but there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other citizens who could also do a good job. Wish there was a way to zero in and encourage more of those bright people to throw their hat in the ring. Just a little cultivation would do.

  6. Great!

    One down and five more to go, plus one mayor.
