We want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR, glad to be rid of 2020 and hopeful for a much better 2021.
There just isn’t much we can discuss that hasn’t been covered by the legacy media as they talk to each other via the internet. We get the same press releases from the well paid government and don’t see any reason to duplicate the messages.
Stay safe and get your vaccine as soon as it is available and perhaps we can all join to debate something other than the use of masks and whether or not the presidential election was rigged.
Best wishes for 2021 to all!
Dec 31, 2020, 9:54 am
Yes, the handouts still keep getting faithfully (and shallowly) reproduced by the “legacy media” (as you put it). But the value of “Boise Guardian” and your own long perspective is that you put things into perspective. By digging deeper … by “connecting the dots” … by investigating, rather than simply taking news at face value … “Boise Guardian” manages to help fill the void that the “legacy media” have largely abandoned, or simply cannot do as well as they used to because of limited staffs and declining revenues. I say thank goodness we have “Boise Guardian” … and I think the “legacy media” are saying “thank goodness” too, because it is where they pick up some of their best news tips and story ideas.
Dec 31, 2020, 10:28 am
Thanks, Dave. Best wishes to you and yours for a safe, healthy and productive New Year. Oh yea, try to stay out of trouble. 😂
Dec 31, 2020, 10:44 am
Right! Happy New 2021 Year to all. Thank you Editor for bringing great sense to our news coverage.
Jan 1, 2021, 11:12 am
Thanks for all you do Mr. Editor to bring the facts forward! I agree with D. Klinger that Boise needs more investigative reporting from the other media entities with stories that dig deeper into the record and the laws, rather than just accepting the explanations and excuses put forth by the local government.
Jan 1, 2021, 3:38 pm
Hey, Kent. How come ACHD hired Holland and Hart to sue Garden City over a zoning issue? I hate having to pay lawyer’s fees for both sides! And you can’t get much pricier than Holland and Hart. Don’t you have enough staff lawyers? From what I know it’s a slam dunk for GC.
Jan 2, 2021, 9:23 am
I would like to echo my appreciation for the great resource you provide. Over the years I’ve become ever more a disbeliever of the media. Your forum is the vaccine needed to salvage some faith in today’s news.
Jan 2, 2021, 7:56 pm
ACHD suing Garden City? Wait, who is the GC city attorney….. hold that thought….
former law partner of former Boise mayor Dave Bieter!!
Jan 4, 2021, 4:12 pm
Thanks for always putting your slant on the news.