Archive for March, 2022

Wheelchair Ramp To Nowhere

Exercising forward planning and backward logic, Ada County Highway District has installed an ADA certified wheelchair ramp TO NOWHERE at the corner of Columbus and Targee. The GUARDIAN didn’t even bother to file all the record requests to find out what it cost to install, but the concrete placing, excavation, and ramp component provides access […]

Did Gov. Violate Oath With Abortion Law?

Gov. Brad Little–like all elected officials–swore to uphold and defend the constitution when he took office. A question arises now that he may have violated that oath when he signed the abortion bill and even admitted it may be unconstitutional. In a letter explaining his approval of the law, Little also said he worries the […]

Parents Of Transgender Child Share Views

This guest opinion is authored by the parent of a transgender child. It is deeply personal, hence some questions (and identity) are left unanswered. The GUARDIAN suspects the information will strike a chord with others experiencing the attempted invasion of privacy by the Idaho House of Representatives. An odd dichotomy exists here in Idaho: the […]
