
This category contains 226 posts

It’s HOW You Say It That Impresses

With the current endless allegations and counter allegations raging in the political media these days, we thought it appropriate to share the GUARDIAN’s latest exploits. Many locals are unaware that editor Dave went to Harvard, but didn’t graduate. Few note that he once worked on Broadway in New York. And only 10 days ago two […]

Monkey Business On Wall Street

The following is one of those e-mails that gets forwarded all over the place, but somehow it makes sense in these troubled times. So, because we don’t have much else to offer, we chance this bit of economics. The GUARDIAN just happened to be outside the NYSE as congress was passing the the bailout bill. […]

Lost Laser Off Copper Chopper

We once posted an item about Boise coppers getting free pizza if they won the informal monthly DUI arrest contest. What do they get get when they lose a $3,000 laser speed gun? The coppers put out a press release Wednesday explaining the police toy was missing from a copper motorcycle following the BSU football […]

Don’t Judge Books By The Cover

Sometimes people have more inside them than one would think from a first glance. Such was the case when we spotted this lad outside the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao Spain during a recent visit for the “day job.” You are welcome to offer your own captions, but the GUARDIAN thought it was worth sharing.

GUARDIAN Proclaims Kristin Armstrong Day

Not to be outdone by the local mainstream media or politicos, the BOISE GUARDIAN has proclaimed Saturday, August 16 to be KRISTIN ARMSTRONG DAY. (We can ride tandem on the bike of a winner too.) We aren’t surprised to see local politicians jump on this one, but you read the proclamation “first on the GUARDIAN.” […]

Self Inflicted Heimlich With Airbag

A motorist in Boise found a unique way to administer the Heimlich maneuver–she crashed head-on into another vehicle Thursday and deployed the airbag on herself. KTVB news reported, the female driver of the truck was headed eastbound on Overland at Hummel Dr. when she began to choke of a piece of food. She pulled into […]
