
This tag is associated with 1 posts

A Pat on The ACHD

The Ada County Highway District has smoothed out the rutted asphalt surface of Kootenai and Vista in record time and with minimal discomfort for motorists and businesses alike. Working mostly at night, the crews were able to bring in the “anteater” pavement grinder, chew up the rough surface, recycle it with new asphalt, relay it, […]

Humpty and the Inept City

This is the story of Boise City Council, Humpty Dumpty, and location, location, location. Once upon a time about five years ago Boise’s urban renewal agency the CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) bought land at 25th and Fairview to be used as a parking lot. The deal had questionable legal authority since it was outside […]

Political Pecking Order

With former mayor candidate Chuck Winder still crabbing about dirty tricks in the last city race we hear former cop Jim Tibbs is already gearing up for a run at the council in the next election. Tibbs had lots of popular support for the job of police chief which he held as a temp for […]

Emergency Politic$

Looks like those who have the most to gain or lose are the big players in the upcoming EMS tax levy election and the general public will fall asleep listening. The Ada Commissioners get kudos for at least having an election May 24. They are attempting to buy time, but as long as you have […]
