
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Councilors Clueless On Lobby Effort

The Idaho legislature’s House Revenue and Taxation Committee heard testimony Friday on a proposed urban renewal law that would require members of agencies like Boise’s CCDC to be elected. The bill was held in committee and effectively killed by a 10-8 vote, but the REAL story is WHO testified and WHY. Two non-elected people paid […]

Vote Them Out Of Office

Boise’s urban renewal director and the Chamber of Commerce lobbyist were able to convince legislators to hold an urban renewal reform bill in committee Friday, effectively killing the proposal. From the reports and quotes we have seen–especially the great reporting by Lora Volkert at the Idaho Business News web site–it is another story of government […]

And Nine Tenths Please

We all know the gas companies are scamming us. The GUARDIAN has done some investigating and found the practice posting gas prices with an additional “9/10th is meant to be deceiving. And it works. If one store (remember gas stations?) is charging $2.89 and 9/10th they will outsell the place across the street with gas […]


With the assistance of the Ada County Assessor’s office the GUARDIAN has calculated what the property tax bill passed by the Idaho Legislature in the closing minutes in the session will mean to you. The quick answer is that it will probably help your property tax bill remain just about the same or a little […]

State To Study Detox Panel

Looks like there is hope, however slim, for some sort of detox treatment at the state level after the legislature forms its own interim committee to examine the failed efforts of the Department of Health and Welfare. The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee suggested a joint committee be formed to determine what needs to be done […]

Gun Merchant Senator To try Again

Meridian Arms dealer, Senator Gerry Sweet, has vowed to introduce his controversial concealed weapons bill next year, but it will be a pared down version with different language. He wanted to allow people to carry weapons concealed in vehicles without a permit, but cops and sheriffs raised a ruckus and the media got to picking […]

Costly Closed Meetings Considered

Illegal closed meetings could be a bit more costly for local Idaho officials if proposed amendments in the OPEN MEETING LAW are enacted by the legislature. House Bill 620 would raise the fine for violation from $150 to $500 for a first offense and top out at $1,000 for a second offense. Representative Russ Matthews […]

Conflict or Coincidence?

A little work on the internet by GUARDIAN sleuths turned up some interesting data on a Meridian arms dealer who happens to also be a state legislator pushing a bill to allow people to carry weapons concealed in vehicles without a permit. Seems that Sen. GERRY SWEET (R) Meridian is president of an Idaho corporation […]

Are You Packin’ Heat?

A bill being discussed in the Idaho Legislature would allow people to carry loaded firearms concealed in their vehicles–a practice which is currently illegal and not a favorite with cops. Before the lawmakers start diddling with the law, they should read it. A simple reading of the current law seems to say that Federal Express […]


An audit of state drug abuse treatment services released by the Idaho Legislature’s office of “Operational Performance” concludes the Governor’s office and the Department of Health and Welfare have knowingly and brazenly ignored state law–for 10 years. State officials have been able to flip the bird at the legislature and with good reason. While the […]

You Oughta Be in Movies

Idaho’s “film industry”–whatever that may be–could benefit from tax incentive bills which will be pushed in the upcoming legislative session. The GUARDIAN would find these selective tax breaks comical if it weren’t for the fact these folks are serious. One proposal would give the Hollywood types a 10% income tax rebate or tax credit–which is […]
