
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Secret Tax Policy

If reports are true in the Daily Paper, Idaho has a secret tax system administered by a commission which grants sales tax breaks to some businesses, but not others. Ken Dey, the reincarnated business editor at the Daily Paper broke a major story Thursday when he revealed a secret tax deal between the Idaho Tax […]

20% Sales Tax Increase

We have been trying to wrap our brain around the property tax relief Gov. Jim Risch bullied through the legislature. We think the law of unintended consequences may come into play since nobody had a plan that could be understood or endorsed without reservation. The shift from property tax to sales tax may not be […]

Yet Another “Unique Mall”

While listening to the KBOI “eye in the sky” warn motorists of multi-mile traffic jams on I-84, the GUARDIAN editor was reading a newspaper story about a wonderful new shopping mall being built in Nampa. We wondered if the mall was a result of “Smart Growth, Blueprint for Growth, or just Greedy Growth.” Hard to […]

Yet Another “Unique Mall”

While listening to the KBOI “eye in the sky” warn motorists of multi-mile traffic jams on I-84, the GUARDIAN editor was reading a newspaper story about a wonderful new shopping mall being built in Nampa. We wondered if the mall was a result of “Smart Growth, Blueprint for Growth, or just Greedy Growth.” Hard to […]

Yet Another “Unique Mall”

While listening to the KBOI “eye in the sky” warn motorists of multi-mile traffic jams on I-84, the GUARDIAN editor was reading a newspaper story about a wonderful new shopping mall being built in Nampa. We wondered if the mall was a result of “Smart Growth, Blueprint for Growth, or just Greedy Growth.” Hard to […]

Yet Another “Unique Mall”

While listening to the KBOI “eye in the sky” warn motorists of multi-mile traffic jams on I-84, the GUARDIAN editor was reading a newspaper story about a wonderful new shopping mall being built in Nampa. We wondered if the mall was a result of “Smart Growth, Blueprint for Growth, or just Greedy Growth.” Hard to […]

Yet Another “Unique Mall”

While listening to the KBOI “eye in the sky” warn motorists of multi-mile traffic jams on I-84, the GUARDIAN editor was reading a newspaper story about a wonderful new shopping mall being built in Nampa. We wondered if the mall was a result of “Smart Growth, Blueprint for Growth, or just Greedy Growth.” Hard to […]

Give Me More, Give Me Bigger!!

Like the odor from the sugar factory and feedlots, we have become inured (for you non-library types that’s “accustomed to something unpleasant”) to the effects of growth in Idaho. Easy to sound like an old fart that wants to return to the “good old days” on this issue, but folks we are assaulted daily with […]

Big Lie Continues

The Idaho Statesman ran a front page puff piece Sunday about BoDo, the newest development about to open in downtown Boise and included the ”big lie” which remains untrue, though oft repeated. The Statesman reported, “The project will also boost Boise property tax revenues, create hundreds of jobs and is expected to trigger new Downtown […]

City Owned Stores

Here’s a lesson in ethics and proper conduct for Boise’s Parks Department. The business of government is GOVERNMENT–not retail marketing. Ice World indoor skating rink was donated to the city over a year ago and despite having a tax-free facility, they can’t break even financially. The city loses $125,000 a year providing an ice rink […]
