Archive for May, 2007

Historic Train Plays To Closed House

We had several inquiries regarding the big 844 Union Pacific steam locomotive and vintage passenger train at the Boise Depot over the weekend. It made a stopover enroute from Cheyenne to Portland. The locomotive has made several visits to Boise including one in 1976 as the bicentennial Freedom Train painted red white and blue. As […]

C. College ReRun, Three Views

The GUARDIAN has previously posted three views on the Community College ballot question. There has been a lively debate, but the issue is still important so we offer the links below to the stories. FOR C. College. AGAINST C. College. INSIDER VIEW.

GUARDIAN Wins Idaho Press Award

Thanks to all of you who read and offer comments on the GUARDIAN, we were honored by the Idaho Press Club Saturday with the First Place award for web site GENERAL EXCELLENCE for 2006. Like everyone else, the club didn’t have a pigeon hole for blogs, so we ended up in the “Magazine Category.” The […]

Buying Votes For C. College

GUARDIAN sources tell us more than 10,000 Ada County residents have already applied for absentee ballots in the single issue Community College election. The Community College vote on May 22 has us concerned because there is just too much money being tossed at this thing by too many well to do people in the big […]

MAYOR Hotline April 28 to May 4

STILL NOT ENFORCING NOISE ABATEMENT ON CONSTRUCTION SITE, FIX FOUNTAIN, NO TO BOOB BILLBOARDS 4/29/07 Carolyn Casey 9259 W. Beachside Ln. Boise, ID 83714 DBA: I’m calling to request that the Mayor and City Council put recycling bins for the public any place where they have public trash containers, so that would be in particular […]


Join Dave and the regulars at the BOISE GUARDIAN 2nd birthday party. Join your fellow bloggers at the Pizza Hut near University and Capitol Blvd…not far from the locked up Boise Depot. Friday May 4 at 5:30 p.m. Donations accepted for the pizza and drinks. The closed Depot was our first post two years ago. […]

Growth Pays (off) For County Officials

If you are a developer and want to profit from selling houses in Ada County it makes sense to hire people who know the business and have contacts in local government. Hubbell Homes has done some pretty sharp hiring in the past few months. First they picked up former County Commish Judy Peavey-Derr after she […]

Bull Moose Murphy For Mayor

Perhaps stung by the GUARDIAN’s lack of serious regard for his declaration as the Bull Moose candidate for Boise Mayor, Mike Murphy has issued the following statement: “Much ado has been made about my candidacy on MySpace, earning me the somewhat derogatorily delivered moniker amongst some members of the local press as: “The MySpace Candidate.” […]

Peddling It All Over Town

Frequent GUARDIAN contributor and avid environmentalist BIKEBOY solicits a free plug for bikes, along with a slight jab on behalf of growthophobes. I’d like to encourage all Guardian family/friends to participate in Boise Bike Week, May 14-19. (It’ll be here sooner than you think!) More info: Boise Bike Week I’m a bit mystified by the […]

GUARDIAN Birthday Reminder

Come one and all to the BOISE GUARDIAN 2nd birthday party. Join your fellow bloggers at the Pizza Hut near University and Capitol Blvd…not far from the locked up Boise Depot. Friday May 4 at 5:30 p.m. Donations accepted for the pizza and drinks. Meet the likes of Sharon, Bikeboy, Treva, Luddite, and maybe even […]

Mayor Hotline April 21 to 27

Love the cops, hate the growth over and over, more anti-miners 4/22/07 Kit Paporello City of Boise Police Officer BPD: I’m calling to voice my concern over the city contacting me directly at my home regarding police officer union negotiations. The reason I have elected union officials is for you to talk to them; you […]
