Archive for September, 2009

Another View On Bike Safety

GUARDIAN reader Clancy offers up some logical and common sense ideas about bike safety as school gets underway in Boise and all the surveys, committees, and news of bike accidents have been discussed. BY CLANCY GUARDIAN Guest Post Boise and the Treasure Valley are in the midst of an epic bike and motor vehicle conflict. […]

“Wolf Sighting” Prompts Prediction

After observing the massive media coverage on Idaho’s wolf hunt the GUARDIAN will offer this prediction: BEFORE THE SEASON IS OVER THERE WILL BE A TRAGIC SHOOTING DEATH OF A PET DOG, no doubt prompting an entirely new controversy. When we ran across Nate and his beloved “Pakua” siberian husky sitting outside our favorite bistro […]

Candidate Baumbach Claims Gerrymander

FINALLY! Something to write about on the Boise City Council election with Council Candidate Lucas Baumback claiming a conspiracy against conservative candidates through gerrymandering voting precincts. “The poll closures are a bold attempt to disenfranchise thousands of voters by making it inconvenient to vote, due to poll overcrowding and extended travel distances,” said Baumbach in […]
