Archive for October, 2009

Mayor Hotline October 10 to 16

MORE STREETCAR OPPOSITION, NO POTS FOR PUPPY POOP, SAVE COLE SCHOOL, POOR BUS SERVICE, AIRPORT PARKING 10/12/09 Chuck Weir 12868 W. Ginger Creek Dr. Boise, ID Glass Recycling: I’ve been trying to drop off my recyclable glass at the fire station on McMillan for weeks now. Every time I go over there it’s cable-locked shut; […]

The Apple Is Smaller, Bite The Same

Everything we oldtimers learned in economics classes seems to be as applicable to current events as film is to photography in this digital age. When interest rates go down, stocks go up. NOT! It pays to save–not when you get less than 2% for a CD. The list goes on. Talking to an Idaho government […]

County Workers Skirt Security Scrutiny

The request by Ada County Commishes for a crosswalk on Third Street west of the courthouse points up a glaring inequity between citizens and government workers. Ada County workers enter through a side door that has NO SECURITY SEARCHES. They use their county ID tags or a code to enter. They are trusted to not […]

What It Takes To Earn Your Stripes

United States District Courts not only accept electronic filing of legal documents, they REQUIRE it. Apparently not the case with the Ada County Highway District. The Ada County Commishes have agreed to pay about $3,000 for a designated crosswalk on Third Street just north of Front. There is an employee parking lot on the west […]

Council-Citizen Meeting Place

The GUARDIAN will use this headline and story as the “meeting place” for ideas and opinions during the Boise City Council race that is currently underway. Whether you are a candidate with an idea or a citizen with an opinion, you can share it here in the comment section. We will try to keep this […]

Poet Paul’s Post

Dear council candidate TJ on the trolley is it a yea or a nay Since you’re the man of Team Dave your yea vote you’ll save until after election day!

Poet Paul’s Post

A double shot today…local and national. HEALTH CARE– The committee needed one vote more to send a health care bill to the floor popularity will wane for the lady from Maine Looks like we got a Snowe job for sure! BOISE BOY– He coached basketball on the courts now he’s in a court of a […]

Poet Paul’s Post

Dave Litster’s got a lot to gain He’s got a big boost in his campaign It seems he’s got dibs on the seat left by Tibbs since Jim endorsed him by name!

TJ Thomson Rakes In The Dough

DISCLAIMER: The following is a press release from Thomson and not an endorsement. We will publish “news” from any candidates based on the judgement of the GUARDIAN. On Monday, TJ Thomson filed his first Campaign Financial Disclosure Report with the City of Boise. TJ raised over $40,000 through September 30th from over 475 donations. “I […]

If Only Boise Politicos Had Listened…

The Daily Paper reports Boise officials can’t find the cash to build bike paths near the new Park Center Bridge at a cost that is about the same as a trolley pitchman $93,000. We will admit to just a tiny bit of “I told you so” on the lack of money available to for a […]

Poet Paul’s Post

On a bridge Baker’s name was missed Sara feels she was personally dissed fools names and fools faces are seen in public places so she might be too smart for the list!

Mayor Hotline October 3 to 9

TOTAL OPPOSITION TO STREETCAR, NO METH CLINIC NEAR SCHOOL, GLASS RECYCLE Terry Aldrich 1407 Newport St. Boise, ID 83709 322-4250 Streetcar: I just wanted to voice my disapproval for the trolley system. The city should not be spending one cent of my tax dollars for anything other than police or fire before they start cutting […]

Poetic Trolley Talk

The GUARDIAN poet laureate “Paul” has weighed in with a short take on the trolley issue. Sixty million for a downtown trolley The mayor says “Yes, by golly!” He’s on the wrong track As a matter of fact It will become known as Bieter’s Folly!

Council Candidates Square Off Over Trolley Plan

The Team Dave proposal for a trolley in downtown Boise has touched off a round of press release exchanges between council candidates TJ Thomson and Dave Litster who are both seeking the seat of Jim Tibbs who is not running for reelection. First shot came from Litster who is aiming to circulate a petition among […]

Wisconsin Has A better Transportation Idea

Seems like the cheesehead state is getting a lot of attention these days here in Idaho. Team Dave holds out Kenosha, Wisconsin as the poster child for a Trolley Folly, former Greenbay Packer Bret Favre has everyone’s attention, we got a police chief from the capital city of Madison and now the politicos in Madison […]

Commish Baker Dissed On ACHD Plaque

Ada County Highway District Commish Sara Baker got dissed by whomever ordered up the permanent brass plaque for the new Park Center Bridge and she isn’t happy. When the new span was dedicated last week, she wandered down the abutment anticipating seeing her name etched in brass for all to see. However, she discovered that […]

Take Two Sneaky Trolley Resolution

Based on the content of a Team Dave press release and the overwhelming public opposition to awarding a $90,000 contract to Dave Bieter’s campaign ad agency, it would be fair to conclude Boise City Hall is in a bit of upheaval. Team Dave tried to sneak the bid award resolution past the council buried among […]

City Tries To Hide New PR Expense

Boise’s Team Dave is a step away from a legal land mine as they seek council approval of a PR/marketing agency to promote one side of a public policy issue. The GUARDIAN sees it as a blatant violation of the “public purpose doctrine” in law which dictates that all expenditures should be in the “public […]

Mayor Hotline Sept 26 to Oct 2

LOTS OF DERAIL THE TROLLEY, ONE ABOARD TROLLEY, STINK OVER SEWER, HEALTH RESOLUTION OFF TRACK, SWANS NEAR BRIDGE, NO BUS FOR BLIND 9/30/09 Lance Danger P.O. Box 986 Boise, ID 83701 Trolley: Gee Mayor, you’re a fricking idiot. Why don’t you just go back to the horse-and-buggy? Wouldn’t that be a good idea if a […]

Trolley Open House Not So Open

A Thursday event in a vacant downtown store billed as an “Open House” to discuss Team Dave’s Trolley Folly turned out to not be so open. GUARDIAN reader “Cyclops” made an appearance and asked if the event was to educate people about the proposed trolley. Adam Park, the press secretary for Mayor Dave Bieter confirmed […]
