Archive for November, 2010

“Chill Out” Treatment For Heart Attacks

If you suffer a heart stopping attack, Ada County the paramedics are liable to “put you on ice” before you even reach the hospital, thanks to a new “Induced Hypothermia” treatment. It seems to work on the same science as the “cold water drowning” syndrome that enables people to survive after being under water for […]

AG: Officials Not Entitled To YMCA Memberships

Results of an eight month Attorney General’s investigation of Caldwell urban renewal will not result in criminal charges, but it reveal serious flaws in existing laws. The investigation was requested by former prosecutor John Bujak–before he became subject of criminal and civil investigations himself.  Bujak handed it off after Caldwell GUARDIAN editor Paul Alldredge discovered […]

Can’t Fight City Hall and Win

GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier issued a statement following the election which saw approval of three constitutional amendments he had opposed. Said Frazier, “I learned it is impossible to battle the might of government, regardless of the nobility of one’s cause. My only regret is that I didn’t get a commission on the advertising purchased […]

Mayor Hotline October 23 to 29

10/25/10 Cory Works for the State ISSUE: There are so many Boise High kids riding the bus in the morning that when they get off on State St. they jay-walk across on a “don’t walk” light. He thinks the police should patrol State St. more often in the morning, or there should at least be […]

State Acts As Schill For Insurance Broker

A state worker sent us the accompanying flyer from the Idaho Department of Administration, questioning the propriety of using the official state seal to encourage insurance sales for only a specific broker. Our brief inquiry revealed that a Utah insurance broker, Moreton and Company, approached the department of administration which was under the direction of […]


We certainly don’t need to remind GUARDIAN readers they need to go to the polls today, but we can tell them WHERE TO VOTE. Here are some tidbits from Ada County elections office: –There are 865 election workers on duty today, 740 are at polling places. –201,500 registered voters in Ada County. –Expected turnout is […]
