Archive for May, 2011

Boise PD Gets Iconic Makeover For Man & Machine

Like a scene from the television show “Extreme Makeover,” Boise PD had a media event Friday to rollout new patrol cars and shoulder patches. With yelps of a siren and LED lights flashing, the first new “BLACK VELVET” patrol car rolled up sporting a silver “swoosh” on the door that looks like it had creative […]

Foothills Lockout Not Popular With Neighbors On Eve Of Levy Celebration

Some neighbors in the eastern foothills area purchased by Boise City at a cost of $4 million last year are joining forces to protest a lockout by Idaho Fish and Game on the public land. No two ways about it, Boise has been less than transparent with the expenditure of public funds and the subsequent […]

Mayor Hotline April 23 to 29

4/23/11 Betsy Russell Hillway Drive Boise, ID 83702 ISSUE: Yard sale signs on Harrison Boulevard were taken down due to City Code that prohibits signs. She is concerned that there will be no other way for neighbors in the North End to alert each other to yard sales. She thinks it’s inconsistent that real estate […]

G-BAD Election Heats Up (More)

Playing by the rules has always been a loose proposition in politics, but the GUARDIAN has copies of a document favoring two candidates for the May 17 Greater Boise Auditorium District election that appears to have crossed the line. The “800 pound gorilla” in the race is over the issue of whether or not the […]

Ada Sheriff Sgt. Resigns After Claims of Sexual Advances

Good news and bad news for an Ada County Sheriff’s department patrol sergeant. Good news is he will not be charged with any criminal violations after allegedly making unwanted sexual advances toward a female while on duty. The bad news is his career is over and he has voluntarily resigned from the department. The GUARDIAN […]

Boise Bistro Bustles At Bin Laden Buzz

An audible hush fell over the dining room at Papa Joe’s eatery on Capitol Blvd. Sunday night as the TV screen normally running silently with sports action suddenly came alive with a BREAKING NEWS! message that Bin Laden was dead. A waiter quickly turned up the sound and soon an eclectic mix of college students, […]
