Archive for February, 2013

Legislative Dems Were Given Ammo To Fire At ACHD

The GUARDIAN has obtained numerous documents from Boise City relating to the Feb. 14 sabotage attempt aimed at ACHD during a meeting with legislators on Valentine Day. As it turned out the ammunition for what was intended to be an ambush on ACHD ultimately exploded in the face of the shooters. Ross Borden of Mayor […]

Pedal Project Poses Payment Problems

By STEVE “BIKEBOY” HULME A year or so ago, Mayor Bieter, an eternal proponent of alternative transportation whether it be a trolley, or valley-wide rail service, or bicycles, proposed a bike-sharing program, just like in the Big City. Unlike the ill-fated “yellow bike” experiment of a few years ago, where volunteers made some donated bikes […]

Mayor, Council President Jordan Sent “Poison Valentine”

Mayor Dave Bieter and Councilor Maryanne Jordan acted without the knowledge of at least half the City Council when they caused an anonymous letter to be delivered to legislators claiming ACHD had a bad relationship with other Ada County cities and other allegations. The GUARDIAN sought responses from the entire council so citizens would know […]

Boise Attempts “Valentine Day Massacre” On ACHD, Shoots Mayor, Council In Foot

A bungled attempt by Boise City to ambush the Ada County Highway District’s relationship with the Idaho Legislature on February 14 has ignited a unified firestorm of disgust and outrage from the mayors of Meridian, Kuna, Star and Eagle, the Ada County Commishes, and the ACHD board. The sleazy attempt by those in the office […]

State Seeks To Hide Security Video From Public Scrutiny

In what appears to be an overreaction to the armed guy prowling the legislative chambers with a troop of Boy Scouts, the Idaho department of Administration is pushing a bill in the legislature that would deny “security video” recorded by public agencies from public viewing. That means citizens of Boise wouldn’t get to see the […]

Ada-Dynamis Deal Runs Out Of Energy, Commishes Kill Project

It isn’t electrifying news, but the new Ada County Commishes have disconnected with Dynamis over the proposed trash-to-energy plant at the county landfill. Dynamis gets to keep the $2 million the previous board paid the private company and agrees to not sue Ada for any future claims. “We fought to get the $2 million back, […]

Governor Forgot Most Important “Stakeholders”

This guest post comes from long time GUARDIAN reader “IDAHOLIC.” He makes a valid point that individual property owners will get whacked in the pocketbook if the personal property tax–paid in large part by big operators like power and telephone companies–is repealed. I can’t believe the lack of information and discussion of this proposal that […]

Boise Gives Away Fire Service Outside City

Each budget season local governments across the USA look for ways to fund essential services. According to the Minneapolis STAR-TRIBUNE there is a move to charge fees to tax-exempt properties ranging from churches, and hospitals to government agencies and institutions of higher learning. In Boise the most glaring example of free city services lies with […]

“State of Boise” Asserts Baseless Authority Over Idaho Parking Garage

Boise’s Design Review committee is probably getting just a tad too big for its britches over denying approval of a State of Idaho parking facility near the capitol and it could backfire if the conservative legislature is asked to approve things like local option taxing authority. There is no legal requirement for the state to […]

Rich Wright Sues Ada County

Former Ada County “Director of Administration,” Rich Wright, his filed a $1.5 million wrongful termination suit against the county after the newly elected commishes eliminated his position in favor of a “chief of staff,” during their first meeting. Don’t look for the suit to go anywhere because the position amounted to a political appointment for […]

Boise’s Team Dave To Ignore Will Of People With Yet Another Transit Survey

Despite repeated attempts at shaping public opinion through surveys, informational events, and “$24,500” expenditures for consultants, Boise officials refuse to take “NO” for an answer when it comes to Mayor Dave Bieter’s desire named street car. Citizens overwhelmingly opposed every plan he has brought forth. The Idaho Statesman commissioned an independent survey which also came […]

Trigger Happy Coppers Tarnish The LAPD Badge

No two ways about it–The Los Angeles copper who is on a murder rampage is WRONG. There is never any justification for killing just because someone may have done you wrong or pose a potential threat. That said, we are really concerned about the glossing over of the obvious “hit squad” mentality of the LAPD. […]

Don’t Bring Gun To a Knife Fight

A Nampa man armed with a pistola bravely confronted a stranger in his friend’s back yard Wednesday night and like all too many weapon wielders ended up getting shot with his own gun AND stabbed. Coppers say it’s unclear who actually fired, but the stranger fled the scene following a scuffle. The take away: “When […]

PTSD, Mental Diagnosis Cloud Gun Issues

The DEATH of a U.S. military veteran allegedly shot by a former Marine suffering from PTSD in Texas put the issue of mental illness in the forefront of concealed weapons discussions. Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and his neighbor Chad Littlefield took former Marine Eddie Ray Routh to a Texas gun range to help him, […]

Where To Find More Local Tax Revenue

We are starting to hear rumblings about assessing property taxes on the Idaho Department of Lands for its commercial enterprises like the 10 Barrel Brew Pub and Affordable Storage operations in Boise. If the legislature abolishes the personal property tax, it will devastate local cities, counties and schools–more so in smaller counties that lean heavily […]

ACHD Spending Shifts Back To Boise

After years of spending in newly developed areas in the western part of the county, Ada County Highway District officials released data Friday showing Boise will get more dollars. Fast-growing cities in western Ada County continue to get a larger share of roadway spending, according to the Ada County Highway District’s latest spending-and-revenue report released […]
