Archive for December, 2013

Why Blogs Like GUARDIAN Needed

We don’t normally highlight links, but his just takes a minute. Our thanks to Conan for proving our point about substance over form. He leads off with Boise’s KBOI CHATTER. Actually, one of the reasons we don’t have new items every day is because there simply isn’t anything worth commenting about.

Bank Claims Canyon Lawmaker Owes $10,000

The Idaho Legislature will be in town shortly with elected representatives deciding how and where to spend all the tax money and other revenue collected by the state. One of those “spenders” will be Brandon Hixon, State Representative for Caldwell’s District 10. Based on public records, Rep. Hixon has an apparent history of stiffing creditors. […]

Bench Residents Ignored By Bike Plan

Boise City and Valley Transit plan to spend at least $650,000 in equipment and “stations” to start a 140 bike share program which ignores the vast majority of the city and its citizens. But hey, when you are talking $4,642 per bike you can’t trust them to those lower income Bench Dwellers. We need a […]

Chief Updates On Copper Capers

Boise’s top copper, Mike Masterson, has lumped several controversial incidents in a media release posted Christmas Eve. While some of the details won’t be made public, the message sent to other members of the department as well as the public has to be viewed as a positive action. Three of the incidents were in OCTOBER. […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Snow Park Slides Over To Eagle Island

Ryan Neptune isn’t about to let any snow melt under his skis. He has cut a deal with the Idaho State Parks Eagle Island venue to test his snow terrain idea. Plans for a snow park on land owned by Ada County and leased to the city of Eagle have hit the skids while commishes […]

Yes, There Really Is A Santa Clause–Many Of Them!

Each year there are random acts of kindness that pop into the headlines during the Christmas season. This one is from Facebook, but we know Winn Mickey at the Overland Station Post Office on Federal Way and it is a true story. From Winn’s Facebook entry… “So I walked into a Jackson’s food mart and […]

Birds of Differing Feathers Flock Together

Following tips from friends and with a little luck, the GUARDIAN found the “Eagle Tree” near Wendell. It is next to the Westpoint Mexican bar and cafe out among the diary farms. Turns out a giant cottonwood tree is shared by eagles and all sorts of black birds–red winged, yellow headed, and others. At one […]

Snow Park Continues Slippery Slope

Eagle City officials are forging ahead with plans to acquire land from Ada County to provide exclusive use to a for-profit snow terrain park off Old Horseshoe Bend Road. Ada County Commissioners want to hear from residents about their desired use of the land. There will be a public meeting December 18 at the Ada […]

Downtown Has Moved To Eagle & Fairview

Eagle Road has become Main Street and Meridian is quickly becoming the new “China” for Boise planners, politicos and purchasers–threatening to either own or control everything from highway dollars to retail market share. While Boise has been preoccupied filling the former “hole in the ground” with a mirrored skyscraper, Meridian (Idaho’s third largest city) has […]

Neighbor Cool To Snow Park Idea

Joan Johnston lives near the proposed winter terrain park off Horseshoe Bend Rd. and opposes it. The GUARDIAN will gladly offer space to any interested party who supports the park on Ada County land. Guest Opinion By Joan Johnston There is more to the snow terrain park proposal issue than just water and the other […]

Transit Center Heads Underground

If Valley Regional Transit and Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) get their way, Boise’s highest and lowest structures will be at the same downtown intersection of 8th and Main. That is the latest planned location for a “multi model transportation center,” but this time they are looking at hiding the bus station underground diagonally across […]
