CCDC, Others Adopt GUARDIAN Sign Idea

After nearly a decade of ignoring the need for “way finding” signs in Boise, the major stakeholders in downtown Boise have adopted the GUARDIAN idea of being tourist-friendly.
Direction sign in Washington, D.C.
CCDC and the Downtown Boise Association are gathering ideas on the development of a wayfinding system for Downtown Boise. The meetings are set for Tuesday, June 10 and Wednesday, June 11 at the Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St., from 4 to 6 p.m. RSVP to 384-4264.

The wayfinding system will involve a network of information, direction and identification signs that work to help guide people to and throughout the downtown area. To develop the Downtown Boise wayfinding system, CCDC and DBA are collaborating with the usual suspects to discuss the sign idea.

The system — like most projects– will focus on Downtown Boise but could be expanded in the future to include entry points and destinations within the larger community.

Previous GUARDIAN posts over the past decade:

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  1. With as mayor Dave says Boise being so far off the beaten path I wonder just how many tourists venture this far out in the boonies. Might be a waste of money if there aren’t enough tourists… oh wait, wasting money doesn’t matter.. I forgot about the bike debacle that’s soon to be undone… wonder what that little experiment cost?

  2. ACHD has done a good job of posting information pertinent to people who ride bikes. The bike signs include distance and minutes to various destinations. I am not sure how many of these are out there, but they are helpful.

  3. Your idea was woefully inadequate. You suggested signs to help tourists get around. This is a “wayfinding system.” You didn’t account for community input and stakeholder involvement. And would likely have just gone out and put the damned signs up.

  4. Grumpy ole Guy
    Jun 4, 2014, 1:41 pm

    Great to (finally) see some action on this idea. After all, it is not only “tourists” who need the help, it is anyone who is not used to traveling in an area. Since I am not an ardent shopper, for example, I find it awkward when going to a new-to-me area looking for a new or re-located establishment. I am certain that the same is true for locals who do not frequent these areas subject to any signs subject to explanatory signs in the planning.

  5. first, Grumpy ole Guy, they are not going to put a sign up for every new business in town. Try a map- they are now available on your phone, and they have labels for businesses AND tourist attractions.

    If I go visit a new town, I don’t depend on tourist signs to get me somewhere. Maybe it’s a generational thing.

    Even if CCDC/City does put up signs they will likely hose something much like the ACHD bike signs.

    A bike logo at the top?
    As if the sign doesn’t apply to anyone else:
    ” These are just for bicyclists” “That way we can be bicycle friendly in our next award application”

    And then make em so small, no one can read them unless you STOP in the road to take long enough to be able to read the whole sign.

    They will likely be confusing or misleading.
    Anyone seen the “Visitor Information” sign downtown with stickers covering the arrow. Just says, Visitor Information, stuck to a light pole. If there was hot dog vendor below the sign, it would be perfect. Even if the arrow was visible, So what? Straight ahead? Up? Upstairs?

    And kinda like the blue sign above… does anyone really need a sign pointing to the White House? If you do, you need more than a sign. Try a map.

    CCDC, could spend that money printing up tourist maps. Oh wait, hotels already have those.

    Or, I suppose we could also pay for personal tour guides.

  6. Rick is right – we’re too chintzy to support the beleaguered airline industry, so we won’t have any tourists. (The ones who arrive by bus are called “hobos.”)

    But seriously… some well thought-out directional signs in the downtown area could be helpful to visitors.

    I’ve always liked the notion of the “driving tour” signs that are found in the San Francisco area. Supposedly it’s a loop drive that takes you past many of the attractions. But the truth is… I’ve started on that tour 3 or 4 times over the years and I’ve lost my way every time! (It could be lack of skill on my part, but I’ve always blamed it on signs that are too far apart, or hidden, or removed and not replaced.)

    We just returned from a trip to New England, where we spent one day in Salem (“witchy” Salem, MA). They had a nice idea for tourists… a visitor center where you could get an advertiser-supported walking map of the main attractions. The map was supplemented with a foot wide red stripe painted on the sidewalk… what an awesome notion! We followed the stripe, looking at our map along the way. Saw every attraction, and patronized several of the “commercial” attractions. We were happy, and hopefully the sponsors of the map were adequately rewarded.

  7. With so many other cities using signs like this, can the guardian website really take ownership of the idea?

    EDITOR NOTE–We have shown pictures from Columbus, Italy, Spain, and Washington. We certainly knew they had signs, so we hardly “owned” the idea. It was totally a GUARDIAN suggestion to do the same in Boise for the past decade. (Hint) we enjoy tweaking the noses of the local “leaders” who ignore sound suggestions or advice from citizens.
