Boise Council Qualifier 101

The November city election will see some changes in the council regardless of who wins. At the risk of feeding the conspiracy theorists, it appears only one of the three seats will be up for grabs.

August 28 is first day to declare candidacy. September 8 is final day to file.

To date, the following ten candidates have filed a “Certification of Treasurer” with the City Clerk’s Office:
TJ Thomson – Council Seat 4  
Paul E. Fortin – Council Seat 2  
Adriel J. Martinez – Council (no seat choice)
Andy Hawes – Council Seat 2  
Holli Woodings – Council Seat 6  
Frank Walker – Council Seat 2  
Lisa E. Sanchez – Council Seat 2  
Danielle Naomi Johnson – Council Seat 2  
Crispin Gravatt – Council (no seat choice) 
Logan J. Kimball – Council Seat 2  

At this point incumbent TJ Thomson is running unopposed for seat 4 along with Holli Woodings who appears to be the seat 6 designated Demo replacement for Maryanne Jordan, longtime councilor who has held a dual position for the past two years as an Idaho State Senator. Ben Quintana is not seeking reelection to his seat 2.

Over the years, the GUARDIAN has attempted to offer some important facts that any councilor, mayor, or candidate for those posts should know. Feel free to quiz any of those running for office and decide for yourself if they are qualified.

–Should Boise officials be spending public money and resources on the campaign to attract the F-35?

–Should citizens have the right to vote to approve public debt of more than one year?

–Should citizens, both inside and outside the city, have the right to vote approval or denial of annexation of additional areas and people into the city?

–Should CCDC continue to expand and divert tax dollars away from schools, ACHD, the city, and county?

–What is the amount of the 2018 Boise general fund budget? ($218 million)
–What is the police portion? ($63 million)
–Fire Dept. budget? ($54 million)
–When does the fiscal year start? (Oct. 1)
–How many sworn police officers? (about 300)
–How many firefighters (290 including all employees)
–Highest paid city employee? (Airport Dir. Rebecca Hupp at $155,000)
Here is the April 2017 SALARY LIST.
Platitudes about economic development, homeless housing, arts and history, are all nice, but knowledge of the city and its core operations are key to being a good representative of the people.

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  1. Chickenhawk
    Aug 16, 2017, 7:43 pm

    Should taxpayers be on the hook for a new “multipurpose” stadium for a short-season minor league baseball team even though the owners are multimillionaires and there have been no in-depth studies on environmental impact or parking?

    Any “yes” answers from the candidates to this question will result in a “no” vote. Thank you.

  2. Editor, thank you for the primer.
    It is curious that so many candidates are after Seat 2.
    What is wrong with Seats 4 and 6?
    Why is everyone so sure these cannot be won?

  3. Bieter Begone
    Aug 17, 2017, 7:37 am

    If no F35 opponent challenges Holli Woodings or TJ Thompson, then you all get what you get. Complacency in the face of tyranny gets you tyranny.

    The Woodings election would set up some interesting cat fights in the future however. Woodings Vs McClean who desperately wants to be Mayor and thus makes no statements that would ever offend anyone at anytime ever. Throw in Elaine Clegg who wants to run the world from the forest left and quite frankly Boise outside of DT is doomed. Woodings has run a large, albeit failed, campaign so has some chops.

    PS Frank Walker is the( former law partner) of Bieter so if he gets elected nothing will change. We will continue our march to banana republic oblivion.

  4. Hi, all. I’m Logan Kimball and I’m running for seat 2 in the upcoming election. I look forward to posting my answers to the above questions, and other views, on your forum. I’m excited to earn your vote and bring some needed change to the City. I will be updating my website with more information as well. -LK

    EDITOR NOTE–We will soon be posting a revolving item allowing any candidates to voice their views and answer questions.
