Archive for April, 2018

Alto Via Settlement Is Slippery Slope Of Muddy Facts

When the GUARDIAN heard news reports last week that Boise City officials had entered into a settlement with property owners in the Alto Via subdivision regarding costs of demolition of houses deemed uninhabitable and a danger, we took notice. What got our attention was the refusal of city officials to reveal how they were spending […]

Hot Time At Bandshell, No Music

Boise firefighters battled a stubborn blaze Monday night at the 90 year old bandshell in Julia Davis Park. The bandshell was named in honor of the late jazz pianist Gene Harris a few years ago. The historic structure presented a challenge because they didn’t want to damage the structure as the flames began peeking out […]

Got A Spare Bear To Kill?

Guest Opinion By INNA PATRICK, Ph.D. The proposal to hunt a lonesome male grizzly bear in Eastern Idaho is not in the public interest. There is no scientific proof that killing a single bear is “wildlife management.” It certainly is not a hunting season. Idaho F&G does not want to provide protected habitat for large […]

Greenstone Properties Operating Illegally?

After a GUARDIAN reader commented about Greenstone Properties, the developer seeking to build the downtown stadium and related housing and commercial complex, we decided to check the law regarding doing business in Idaho. Here is what the Idaho Constitution has to say about “foreign” (out-of-state) corporations: ARTICLE XI, SECTION 10. REGULATION OF FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. No […]

Crowd Jeers Stadium Guy Like An Umpire

Dressed in a dark blue blazer and light blue shirt, Geoff Wardle, local counsel for the developer who wants to build a ball park on Americana looked remarkably like a baseball umpire and the crowd treated him like one. They jeered him and challenged most of his statements, cutting him off in mid sentence when […]

Boise Coppers Get Civilian Advisory Board

For the first time in its history, the Boise Police Department has a board of citizens offering advice. While not an official “Police Commission,” Top Copper Bill Bones has called upon a dozen citizens of diverse backgrounds to form a “Community Advisory Panel” (CAP) so the department can have a better communication with the citizens. […]

State Treasurer Candidate Faces Credit Card Revocation

EDITOR NOTE–Due to formatting and space, Ms McIntyre’s response (explanation) follows at the bottom of the page. Ada County Treasurer Vicky McIntyre is running for Idaho State Treasurer in the upcoming primary election and a recent audit report from the county auditor’s office advises the Board of Commissioners to revoke her county credit card for […]

Growth In Star Causes Zoning Issues

Guest Opinion By NILES NORDQUIST, Star resident “What is the rush?” The City of Star is in the middle of very important decisions regarding the future of the City, Northwest Ada County, and Northeast Canyon County. A proposed annexation and zoning of a 1500 acre development by Willowbrook has brought hundreds of people to public […]

Report On Air Force Range Plans Over Boise

We attended the Friday 13th meeting with the U.S. Air Force delegation conducting the “scoping meetings” for an Environmental Assessment about using Boise as the site for “close air support” training in an urban setting. An EA is less demanding than an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), but so many acronyms were floating around the room […]

Air Force To Target Boise For Training

The U.S. Air Force has rescheduled scoping meetings throughout communities surrounding Mountain Home Air Force Base beginning Apr. 12. The meetings will cover the description of the proposed action and alternatives of a proposed establishment of air and ground training spaces in support of urban close air support proficiency for F-15 Strike Eagle aircrews. Training […]

Retired Educator Adresses Mayor, Councilors

Most of the following testimony was presented at last night’s Town Hall meeting, but with just a few seconds left to present, Mr. Neil Parker was cut off by Mayor Dave Bieter at the three minute time limit. The entire presentation is posted here as it seems to be an eloquent statement echoing the thoughts […]

Most Speakers Oppose Growth At Town Hall

In a respectful “town hall” meeting at Boise Fire Station #4 on Ustick Road Wednesday night, speaker after speaker told the Boise Mayor and Council they were tired of the growth or the rapid pace of growth. Describing idyllic scenes of the past being blotted out with high density apartments, about 90% of those speaking […]

Wildlife Advocate Cries Foul On Bike Plan

Local wildlife and wildland activist offers alternative to bike park. “The Fate of Boise’s Military Reserve: A Valued Natural Area, or Bike Mecca?” Guest Opinion By KATIE FITE A year’s worth of secretive, closed door meetings between Boise City and the J.A. and Kathryn Albertsons’ Family Foundation hatched a plan to construct an “All Skills” […]

Citizens Fighting Boise City Hall

We received no fewer than three alerts from the growing cadre of citizen activists seeking to preserve some remnants of what many of us remember as “Old Boise.” The big concern was about a proposal to allow the planning director to make more decisions without council approval and to reduce the number of “invitations” for […]

For Profit School Uses ISU Foundation For Donations

This is an updated version with new information added 4/9/18 We have hit a veritable stone wall when it comes to shining light on the new Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM) at Meridian. The GUARDIAN has raised questions, but can’t get answers to some serious finance issues. The latest one to cross our desk […]

Boise Councilors To Hold Town Hall Meets

Boise’s city council is planning to host a series of town hall meetings around the city in the coming year. They hope to create an opportunity to connect directly with citizens and to engage with them on the future of our city. Each citizen who wishes to address the mayor and council will be given […]

Politicos Have Made Some Positive Moves

It looks like the local politicos have seen the light and are working quietly toward forging a strong bond with voters over local issues. The GUARDIAN is happy to report some of the developments. Boise’s city councilors have sent a letter to the United States Air Force at Mountain Home, “Respectfully requesting,” that the city […]
