Archive for February, 2019

Urban Renewal Under Attack By Legislators

UPDATE–Nampa city council endorsed the bill during Monday night’s meeting. Two bills before the Idaho Legislature, clearly aimed to restrain Boise City councilors and the mayor, are worthy of support from voters. In a nutshell they seek to require citizen approval before urban renewal funds can be used for construction of either a library or […]

Mayor Muffs Election Dates

“SHELL GAME”–CREDIT: GUARDIAN READER UPDATE 2/21/19–ADVISORY VOTE AUTHORITY UNCLEAR Ada County Clerk Phil McGrane spent much of Thursday researching the Idaho Code and consulting with the Idaho Secretary of State’s office. His conclusion is, “There just isn’t any clear authority for cities to conduct advisory votes, despite what the Association of Cities guide says.” McGrane […]

Boise Snubs Vista Over Potential Park

Vista neighborhood residents were dismayed two years ago when plans were announced to build a massive apartment complex along Victory road east of the Vista hill leading to the airport. Now the Vista neighborhood president is justifiably upset to learn Boise officials failed to share the news with the VNA when the owners of the […]

Trust, But Verify Library Vote

With pressure mounting from the GUARDIAN, former BSU Prez Bob Kustra, Vanishing Boise, and Rep John Gannon, Boise City councilors say they will discuss a possible public vote on the proposed library and stadium. See IDAHO PRESS story for details. There is a petition drive underway to obtain 5,000 signatures that would put the question […]

Behave Yourself Or No Candy!

Its no secret the Idaho Correctional facility south of Boise has had more than its share of problems in the recent past. In an attempt to encourage the assorted thieves, rapists, killers, and other assorted felons to behave themselves, prison administrators sent a memo to inmates and staff February fourth, announcing a behavior plan straight […]
