Search Results

You searched for 'bounty hunter'. Your search returned 8 results.

Bounty Hunter Fires Shots In City

Another incident with a bounty hunter “bond agent” brings to light the practice of bondsmen chasing criminals–people charged with crimes–and using deadly force. Legitimate law enforcement has issues with bondsmen because the laws regulating them are either non existent or vague. That, combined with legal concealed carry of firearms makes the issue even murkier for […]

Bounty Hunters Not Off The Hook

While the Bonneville County prosecutor has declined to file any criminal charges in connection with the March shooting of Phillip Clay by a bounty hunter, the potential of other charges still exist. “We will not file anything relating to the shooting, but all other aspects of the investigation are still on the table,” according to […]

Witness Describes Bounty Hunter Shooting

This story comes from the Idaho Falls Post Register By AUBREY WIEBER Post Register Witnesses say they heard six shots fired. What started out as six bail bondsmen acting as bounty hunters trying to locate Philip Miles Clay turned deadly Sunday as at least one of the bail bondsmen opened fire in the parking lot […]

Looking Ahead At 2018

We will start by grouping the standard resolutions: diet, exercise, lose weight, be tolerant of idiots, reduce road rage, work together for the greater good, etc. That said, here are some GUARDIAN resolutions. POWER TO THE PEOPLE–We would like to see more citizen activists working to preserve our city, county, and state. Victories over the […]

Who Needs A Stinking Badge?

The recent shooting of a man in Bonneville County by a bounty hunter/bondsman brought to mind the famous line, “Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’badges,” from the “Treasure of Sierra Madre” movie. A witness said the bondsman displayed a badge to keep himself from being shot by an armed citizen (her husband). In the movie, […]

Idaho Bondsman Authority Vague

Following a fatal shooting in Eastern Idaho of a man wanted for contempt of court in Ada County last Saturday by a bondsman/bounty hunter, the GUARDIAN began a search for authority, law, policy, and common practices of bail bondsmen (and women). We have sought information from sheriffs, deputy Attorney General, prosecutors, a District Court administrator, […]

Mayor Hotline June 16 to 22

WATER PARK SHOULD GO DOWN THE DRAIN GOOD COP BAD COP NOISE MAKES NOT A LIVABLE CITY OPEN THE DEPOT AND FIX THE CLOCK NO WAY FOR HALF WAY HOUSE SCARY STORY SAD STORY. Lots of long winded calls from people unhappy with city hall, so be sure to “continue” at the bottom of the […]

Another Idaho“Armed Camp”

We noticed a recent Associated Press Dispatch about yet another North Idaho “compound” bristling with firepower and para military types. The Aryan Nations and the infamous “Rev. Butler” were finally put out of business a couple years ago and the compound was flattened, but only after years of negative publicity in the Panhandle region. Connected […]

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