
This category contains 507 posts

Statesman Favors Wall Street Over Local News

What a shocker to open the Daily Paper Sunday edition hoping to find something in the way of local news and getting two full pages of the Wall Street Journal instead. No doubt it is cheaper–WSJ may even be paying to get into the Daily Paper. OR the Daily fills space at a lower price […]

Statesman Struggles To Survive

Caught in a techie society amid economic tumult, the Daily Paper is struggling to find its place in today’s society while struggling for survival. First to go was the cost of a new printing press (Nampa will print the Statesman), now they are cutting back on staff, including six in the newsroom. Instead of trying […]

Growthophobe: Development Requests Absurd

Local governments are faced with deciding the fate of more than a dozen applications to build large developments in SW Idaho in the near future. We think it is time to act responsibly on behalf of the public and JUST SAY NO! The Daily Paper did a nice round up of the PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS in […]


A reader tells us the Republican Party was given funds from the Idaho Housing and Finance Association–the agency that has its board appointed by the Guv and includes legislators, but it isn’t really a state agency. Public records at the Idaho Secretary of State site show the “quasi-governmental” corporation donated $500 to the Republicans for […]

Caldwell Councilor On TVCC Funding Scheme

A GUARDIAN reader inquired of a Caldwell City Councilor about the wisdom of the lease-purchase scheme about to be signed with Oregon’s Treasure Valley Community College without voter approval when the College of Western Idaho has yet to even open its doors. Here–unedited–is the explanation she got from a Caldwell Councilor: “This is true with […]

Caldwell Forgets Ada Courthouse Fiasco

BY THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN Paul Alldredge THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN attended the Chamber of Commerce Lunch at the College of Idaho yesterday and learned about plans for a Treasure Valley Community College (of Ontario, Oregon) campus to be built in Caldwell…before the voter-approved College of Western Idaho has even opened its doors. The plan to get […]

Tour De La Frommage… Cheese Tower

We got this little gem from a reader.  Guardian editing by remote and unable to check it out, but if he has good facts, the air from the Nampa sugar factory may take on a distinctly new aroma by the time the Boise downwinders sniff it. BY “JAMES BOND” Thought you might be interested to know […]

Good Money Chases Bad At Tamarack

Bankrupt developers, property liens, misrepresented sales, a $250,000,000 loan default, and multiple lawsuits are all elements in a proposed bailout of Tamarack Resort in Valley County. A bankrupt Mexican and Frenchman are seeking a bailout with assistance from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA) in the form of […]

Rental Cars And Others Diddle System

When the Ada County Highway District pleaded poverty this week and floated the idea of doubling the fees for vehicle registration, it re-ignited a long smoldering issue the GUARDIAN has with rental car agencies and some other commercial vehicle users. Some 20 years ago when Ada County created the laws for emission testing and the […]

Ethanol Spells Corny Economics

Guest Post by Bill Goodnight The ethanol boondoggle was first brought to my attention during the 2006 legislative session when the Farm Bureau attempted to mandate that all gas pumps in Idaho dispense E10 (10% ethanol). I am the president of United Street Rods of Idaho, a lobbying organization for Idaho auto hobbyists. We were […]

Growthophobia Symptom Of Kastera Death?

The economic medicine is apparently beginning to cure severe cases of “growthophobia.” First it was Tamarack bankrupt, then the recent ruling on the downtown “Boise Pit.” Today we got a nasty tip about inside bloodletting at Kastera Homes. Looks like nearly all the top dogs from the CEO on down have been dumped. The lead […]

Boise Mayors and Trains Page Two

Someone PLEASE explain what it is with Boise Mayors and trains! Boise Mayor Dave Bieter is now floating another attempt at a downtown trolley to run from the Depot–which is closed to the public most of the time–to downtown among other routes. He tells the business “leaders” at the charity speech for the Chamber of […]

Bikers Take Avimor Funds

Leave it to the GUARDIAN to take something as mundane as “Bike Week” and turn it against the likes of foothills developer Avimor. We got a plea from the bike advocates as follows: Dear Mr. Guardian: I am hoping you can make your reader base aware (just in case they’re not) that today is the […]

Boise Needs A True Farmers Market

Even with the qualifier of being a “Northender,” we doubt the people who want fresh veggies during the growing season under the politically correct greenie label of “sustainable,” will be able to overcome the powerful CCDC urban renewal agency (Capital City Development Corp.) or the Downtown Business Association. Those outfits control the popular Saturday market. […]

We Have A HOT Deal For You!

Looks like Idaho is about to get scammed once again by slick business types who have the ear of media and politicos. This time it’s an outfit called Areva which is in the energy business. They got the obligatory color drawing on the front page of the Daily Paper and endorsements from state and federal […]

Big Brother Google Is Watching YOU!

THIS IS A MUST READ AND A MUST CLICK ON THE LINKS THIS IS WHAT THE GOOGLE STREET VIEW IMAGE LOOKS LIKE ON SCREEN. Everybody is watching everybody else and you can too! A reader recently asked if the GUARDIAN had any concerns about the new STREET VIEW feature on Google Maps. We clicked it […]

Tamarack: Not Our Fault

While the bankruptcy of the principals of Tamarack is being passed off as “just a business tactic,” The GUARDIAN sees it as another “Elkhorn At Sun Valley” and a growing trend among developers. We figure there will be local folks who get stiffed before it is all over so we asked for a legal opinion. […]

Engineering Boise Rail Line

Through a $2,000,000 purchase and subsequent donations, Boise acquired about 18 miles of rail line from the Union Pacific in 2000. It was part of a grand “Industrial Park” development scheme of the previous administration at taxpayer expense. The rail in question runs along the east end of Federal Way to the Union Pacific mainline […]

Low Price Is Not Low Worth?

The Daily Paper had one of those business page stories by Joe Estrella that left us scratching our heads Friday. Seems a bank economist told legislators the Treasure Valley has an unsold inventory of 7,000 homes and it will take a 15% drop in prices to get the housing market back on track. Since Idaho’s […]

Property Taxes Likely To Rise

Despite the nationwide decline in housing sales–and the subsequent value of homes–it is likely 2008 will bring a property tax increase. Here’s why. Ada Assessor Bob McQuade tracks local sale prices and has appraisers in the field on a daily basis. He predicts the valuations will be pretty much flat. Some of the “McMansions” may […]
