
This category contains 622 posts

Where Has All The Money Gone?

THIS PLEA COMES FROM A YOUNG BOISE BANKER I think you should post an article on how the generation that currently runs the state (30+ years old) has all but wiped out any chance for the younger generations to live in Idaho. Housing is ridiculously expensive, and is continuing to rise rapidly. Most new construction […]

Be Careful With Growth Process

Guest Opinion by Timothy Kempf, PhD Growth and economic development are inextricably linked to a variety of environmental and public health problems. Here in the Treasure Valley we have experienced significant growth in the past decade as evidenced by population, new businesses, jobs, incomes and housing. We have also experienced an increase in the number […]

Competing With L.A. For Smog

Boise is quickly qualifying for another of those “Top Ten” lists, but this time it will be for “worst air quality of business friendly cities in America.” GUARDIAN reader Eagle Eye sent us this photo made last Saturday.

Boise Promotes Urban Sprawl Movement

We have been out of town and busy at the day job, so please accept apologies for lack of new posts. The GUARDIAN has suffered a severe bout of “growthophobia” as the Boise Fire Department has made public its plans for 7 new stations–all aimed at accommodating GROWTH. They include Gowen Road near the Outlet […]

De’Ja Vu’ University Land Deal

This is a story of how a $2 million land sale will obtain the $8 million East Jr. High from the Boise School District and finance part of a BSU athletic track complex for almost 45 years. As it sits now, we don’t like the look or the smell of the deal involving Boise Schools, […]

De’Ja Vu’ University Land Deal

This is a story of how a $2 million land sale will obtain the $8 million East Jr. High from the Boise School District and finance part of a BSU athletic track complex for almost 45 years. As it sits now, we don’t like the look or the smell of the deal involving Boise Schools, […]

Juice Demand High, Water Low

What’s up with Idaho Power wanting to raise rates to pay for growth? They claim to be spending $800 million to meet increased demand. They were trying to “soften up” customers to the impending price hike back in March with bill inserts. Not to short circuit their profitable power plans, but if more people get […]

Publisher Could Take $700,000 From Valley

We can’t tell if the Daily Paper got enticed by the Chamber of Commerce or if they are consenting adults, but a recent business page story was a bit off the mark in our opinion. United Airlines in-flight magazine publisher, Pace Communications, stands to take about $700,000 from Treasure Valley businesses if they sell 36 […]

Bridge Opens Gate To Development

The East Park Center bridge across the Boise River is about the only thing that stands between wildlife habitat on private ranch land and a mega subdivision with houses, shops, hotels and meeting facilities. BRIDGE WILL FACILITATE MORE HOUSES LIKE THOSE ABOVE IN HARRIS RANCH. The bridge has been a condition for the Harris Ranch […]

Housing Inventory at 8,000

Recent reports from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) show about 8,000 unsold homes on the market in the Valley and many in the real estate industry say the backlog will translate into lower sales prices. That inventory increased from about 1,700 in January. Houses simply are not selling. The Daily Paper did a business piece […]

City of McCall Faces Bankruptcy

If you think growth pays for itself, talk to the 2,500 residents of McCall who will consider the option of bankruptcy for their city government at a town hall meeting Monday, May 14. Residents of this once tiny Valley County community need to come up with $6 million pronto as part of a federal court-ordered […]

Looking Down On Development

With the great weather Tuesday worthy of putting Boise on some magazine “Top Ten” list, we decided it was time to take a close look at the are we write about– from 500 feet in the sky. Amazing how different things looked from the helicopter! It had been seven years since our last aerial tour […]

Growth Pays (off) For County Officials

If you are a developer and want to profit from selling houses in Ada County it makes sense to hire people who know the business and have contacts in local government. Hubbell Homes has done some pretty sharp hiring in the past few months. First they picked up former County Commish Judy Peavey-Derr after she […]

Report From Sun Valley Growth Meet

A GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE In their zeal to control the hearts and minds of Valley politicos, the Chamber of Commerce offset a chance to do good with its annual Sun Valley leadership conference. Not only did they sequester the politicos, most were subjected to party line pro-growth presentations. Our correspondent reports that only two of the […]

First Rounds Fired In Mayor Race

City Councilor and mayor candidate Jim Tibbs is learning a poker lesson in the early days of the mayoral campaign–DON’T SHOW YOUR CARDS UNTIL YOU PLAY ‘EM. The GUARDIAN on April 12 called for an audit and eventual dissolution of the CCDC (Capital City Development Corp.) following a news story published in the Statesman and […]

Tourists Still Aimless In Boise

We are about to begin another tourist season and the Visitors Bureau crowed on TV Friday that we have 20% more hotel rooms than we had last year. We still don’t have any signs to direct tourists to local attractions. A year ago the GUARDIAN posted a plea for some local agency to provide directional […]

Time to Dissolve CCDC

With the latest revelations about the infamous “Hole” at 8th and Idaho, the GUARDIAN concludes it is time to dissolve the CCDC. In a front page piece Thursday, Statesman reporter Joe Estrella tells readers that Charterhouse Development is in default on a $2.6 million loan to finance the acquisition of the hole. Furthermore, financing looks […]

Wanna SuperSize That?

Here are some GROWING ideas worth discussing on the GUARDIAN. Growthophiles should have to register and have their photos published on the sheriff’s website. We see a mental disorder in working to increase the population and then spend all your waking hours figuring ways to deal with GROWTH. Boise leaders are ill advised to continue […]

C. College Cheaper Than Private Sector

It didn’t take long for the community college advocates to offer their view. This piece is by the spokesman. By ART SWIFT The new school will be the first comprehensive community college in the Treasure Valley. It will also use an existing campus, so there won’t be new construction needed. The school will be […]

Private Sector Fills Education Gap

While the cost of the May 22 election itself seems a major concern to commishes in Ada and Canyon Counties, GUARDIAN reader TIM RHODES offers up opposition to a proposed community college district. It requires a 2/3 approval. By TIM RHODES Creating a community college taxing district is a duplication of efforts and creates an […]
