State Government

This category contains 654 posts

Reader’s Open Letter To Legislators

The following is a self-proclaimed rant by Dave Kangas about the state of the Idaho legislature and legislators. GUEST OPINION By Dave Kangas There have been few times in my life, when I have been as outraged by actions or proposals of or by government officials as I am now. The current bills limiting local […]

Former Boise Councilor Seeks City-wide Reps

GUEST OPINION By Sara Baker For years, we Boiseans have been represented on the City Council by those who live basically within spitting distance of each other, the North and East Ends. Those council people never wanted to create districts by geography. So finally, the legislature in 2020 changed the law to require cities over […]

Idaho AG Opposes Retail Gas Gouging

In an unusual move, Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden has offered a public (political) opinion regarding proposed legislation before the legislature. GUEST OPINION By Lawrence Wasden I’m writing to make you aware of a piece of legislation currently working its way through the state Legislature. The bill is being pushed by Idaho’s gas retailers and, […]

Harsin Off To Auburn??

The GUARDIAN has an unconfirmed, but probably accurate tip the BSU head football coach Brian Harsin will be the next head coach at Auburn. A trusted source in the Southeastern USA sent the GUARDIAN a text saying SOCIAL MEDIA is on fire with news claiming Harsin will leave the Bronco stable and become a Tiger […]

Gas Pump Vaccine From Idaho AG

Idaho has a law that says it is not nice to raise prices during a crises (pandemic) and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden has a treatment. Here is the press release explaining the details: Attorney General Lawrence Wasden has announced a settlement agreement with three Idaho gas retailers following an investigation into their fuel prices during […]

Supremes Ban Idaho Jury Trials

Idaho’s Supreme Court has put a stop to jury trials until next year due to the COVID-19 virus. “In order to address the continuing rise in the incidence of COVID-19 cases in the state, foster public safety, mitigate against the spread of the coronavirus, while recognizing the substantial resources being expended despite the high incidence […]

Developer Exceeds Campaign Limits

Two Ada County Highway District Candidates and a State legislator are refunding political payments to a local developer after a GUARDIAN reader found the payments exceeded the legal limit. Ada County Clerk Phil McGrane and the Secretary of State’s office have notified ACHD candidates Rebecca Arnold and Kara Veit and Cecil Grow that campaign contributions […]

Ada Commishes Ignore Constitution

An important–and overlooked–Ada County Commissioner campaign issue is the reluctance of the commission to uphold the Idaho constitution’s article VIII, sec 3 which requires a 2/3 vote of citizens for long term debt. Two issues face the county at present and both are really STATE issues. #1 The coroner has run out of space. The […]

What About The Council Districts?

Idaho’s legislature passed a law mandating that cities of more than 100,000 population have to elect city councilors from districts within the city. In Boise an inordinate number of councilors live in the “Northend.” The GUARDIAN inquired of City Hall as to the progress officials are making toward compliance with the districts which will need […]

Idaho National Guard To Host Inmates

The term “summer camp” means different things to different people. To kids it can be two weeks at the lake swimming, fishing and sitting around the campfire singing songs. To members of the Idaho National Guard it can be two weeks in the desert south of Boise driving tanks and playing soldier with a rifle. […]

Gov Little Family Paid 79 Cents Per Acre In Taxes On Foothills Land

The recently announced deal between Boise City and the family of Gov. Brad Little to purchase family-owned land in the foothills to be set aside for public use points out the need for property tax reform in Idaho. The six parcels are taxed at the rate of 79 cents per acre. The Little’s paid $255 […]

Education Over Enforcement

Idaho is getting more difficult to understand as time goes on. Apparently the politicos think we are all pretty stupid. They pass laws, but work to EDUCATE us rather than enforce the laws they pass. Perhaps they should pass a CURRICULUM. For instance, it is illegal to hold a phone or other device–even at a […]

BSU Seeks To Close Boise Streets

EDITOR NOTE: In a meeting July 1, the ACHD commishes changed directions on last week’s street decision. They voted to reconsider the June 24 action as requested by BSU. An insider tells us that doesn’t mean the vote is likely to change and the matter “starts from scratch.” Seems that Boise State University officials won’t […]

New Law: “Hands Free Even At Stoplights”

If Boise coppers enforce this law, all it will take is an officer on foot at Capitol and University to write tickets. IDAHO STATE POLICE NEWS RELEASE Beginning Wednesday, July 1, 2020, drivers throughout Idaho will recommit to safe, responsible driving by following a new law meant to keep drivers engaged while behind the wheel. […]

F&G Posts Wildlife Porn

Things are slow during these days of house arrest forced by COVID-19, but the folks at Idaho’s Fish and Game Department have added some spice with “camera trap” images including one which shows black bears at an intimate moment. The image is included in a series of photos within a PRESS RELEASE sent to Idaho […]

Gov’t Rules Defy Logic And Reason

In quiet defiance of Gov. Brad Little the GUARDIAN joined scores of fellow citizens and openly defied the “stay at home rule” this past Sunday. We packed a picnic and headed for Lucky Peak. No surprise when we hit traffic with cars parked along both sides of Highway 21 at Discovery Park. Folks ignored the […]

F-35 No Longer A Threat To Boise

Just as former Mayor Dave Bieter and advocates of the F-35 always said, the decision to base the fighter jet is the sole duty of the of the Air Force–despite spending tens of thousands of dollars and time to influence the decision. The U.S. Air Force has now decided to officially SELECT Truax Field at […]

Dem Opines On Legislative Session

The following was posted as a “comment” on our April Fools edition, but deserves more prominence as a point of discussion. By STEVE BERCH (D) State Rep. Dist. 15 When one party controls 80% of all legislative seats, they have 100% control over determining what bills ultimately get introduced and voted on. The minority party […]

State & County Offices Deadline March 13

If you want to challenge any of your state and county officials, you have until March 13 (Friday the 13th!) to file for the May 19 primary election. Here is a press release from the Ada Clerk’s office: Candidates must file a declaration of candidacy for the following state and county races by March 13th […]

Ada Sheriff And Commish Trade Barbs

The recent Democratic pile-on of Mike Bloomberg seems like a love fest compared to vicious attacks Friday between Ada Sheriff Steve Bartlett and Commish Rick Visser. The GUARDIAN has obtained an e-mail exchange between the two County Republican officials which reveals there is little in the way of mutual admiration. The term “dysfunctional” is fired […]
