
This category contains 545 posts

Chamber Seeks Bankrupt Firms, Asian Boutiques

The DAILY PAPER ran a page one story Monday about a new guy at the helm of the Chamber of Commerce’s “Boise Valley Economic Partnership.” It’s a scheme aimed at attracting new businesses to the Valley. We certainly wish him luck, but after reading some of his plans and knowing the dismal failure of the […]

Land Board Defends Private Venture

After the GUARDIAN broke the story about the Idaho Land Board going into the private storage business last, Director George Bacon offered up a damage control missive in the DAILY PAPER Sunday justifying the need for the state to enter the tax exempt rental business. In addition to their $85,000 contract with the Guv’s election […]

License Plates Sold Like Theater Tickets

Taking a page out of the concert and sports ticket business, Ada County’s assessor is now offering same day “will call” for license plates. The Motor Vehicles Division of the Ada County Assessor’s Office now offers a new “Will Call” window for pick up of vehicle registration renewals at the new Motor Vehicles office located […]

David (Frazier) vs Goliath (politicians,media, money)

As we hit the home stretch in the mid-term election campaign, the GUARDIAN position on preserving the right of citizens to vote as detailed by the constitution and the supreme court seems in jeopardy. Local governments, hospitals, and politicians of all stripes have dumped tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours into their effort […]

Boise-Ada Taxpayers Suffer In State Land Deal

The Idaho Department of Lands sent us a well presented defense of their financials regarding the purchase of Affordable Self Storage in Boise–a state owned retail business. What it means is that Boise-Ada taxpayers get screwed out of tax revenues, but the schools get a boost. The IDL sent the details–and we agree with the […]

State-Owned Private Business Venture Draws Split Decision From GUARDIAN Readers

Businesses–especially the lucrative self storage sector–can expect to see more State-owned competitors in the future. Land Dept. Deputy Director Cathy Opp talked with the GUARDIAN Wednesday following our post about the Department purchasing and operating a retail self storage facility at 450 S. Maple Grove in Boise. She said the goal of the endowment fund […]

State Owns Tax-Exempt Commercial Storage, Competes With Private Business

Politicos are fond of attempting to “run government like a business” in these hard economic times, but how about government flat out running a business? The State of Idaho recently created a front company which discreetly operates a tax-exempt commercial public self-storage facility hiding behind the assumed name of “Affordable Storage” at 450 South Maple […]

Airport Seeks Public Financing Of Private Business Facilities

In a page one Saturday story by reporter Cynthia Sewell, the IDAHO STATESMAN ran a statement by Richard McConnell, Boise Airport’s director, which illustrates the need to oppose HJR5. “If a company says it wants to lease a cargo facility within the next 12 months for a 20-year period, the city would first have to […]

Washington State Voters Seek 2/3 Approval On Spending

A common cry among proponents of the three proposed constitutional amendments claims Idaho and California are alone in their requirements for voter approval for certain public funding. While not an argument over “fees,” to finance debt, Washington State voters seek to limit the taxing authority of government without 2/3 voter approval. Idaho already has that […]

Valley Mayors Seek To Spend $738,000,000 With No Public Vote

Treasure Valley Mayors from Boise To Wilder signed a letter published in the IDAHO BUSINESS REVIEW Monday supporting passage of HJR5–the constitutional amendment seeking to abolish the constitutional rights of citizens to vote on public debt at airports. In their letter, the seven mayors said, “Our airports need the tools to finance the estimated $738 […]

Tax-Exempt Status In Campaign Finance Questioned

Idaho’s non-profit hospitals could face scrutiny from the I.R.S. if U.S. Senator Max Baucus of Montana gets his way. Baucus is chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and wrote the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Tuesday expressing concerns that various organizations are abusing their tax-exempts status as improper conduits for campaign finances. In a NY TIMES […]

Chinden Fire Station To Close Oct. 1

We don’t get the official word from the Boise Police/Fire press office, but other sources within the FD tell the GUARDIAN it looks like the fire station on Chinden will be closed October 1. The station is owned by North Ada Fire and Rescue, but operated under contract with Boise FD. The station has provided […]

Statesman Editorial Dumps On Boise PR Effort

Today’s Idaho Statesman has a damning EDITORIAL about Boise City’s ill advised $60,000 PR effort to “educate voters” about a constitutional amendment aimed at denying citizens their constitutional right to vote on airport debt. The GUARDIAN provides the truth in a series of CONSTITUTION stories posted in recent weeks…and we do it for FREE! As […]

G-BAD Boys Keep Trying To Expand

The Greater Boise Auditorium District board, known affectionately as the “G-BAD Boys,” are still in GROWTH mode and this time they seek to move up…literally. The DAILY PAPER has a piece by reporter Cynthia Sewell in Tuesday’s edition explaining yet another expansion plan which includes adding a story atop the existing structure. It is fraught […]

Rep. Moyle Flips Over Airport Amendment

Idaho House majority leader Mike Moyle was one of the Representatives who approved the proposed constitutional amendment that would take away the existing right of voters to approve debt at airports, but yesterday he came out against the proposal. There will no doubt be more legislators who wished they had taken time to read HJR5 […]

Caution Advised On ANY Stadium Plans

Two GUARDIAN readers have sent us a NY TIMES LINK to a national story about stadium construction. It’s worth a read in light of the plans (apparently dormant) for a new HAWKS STADIUM in either Boise or Meridian and a major expansion of Boise State’s Football palace. It all boils down to money and no […]

Wilderness Homes Seldom Pay Their Share For Fire Protection

The “big house on the hill” still hasn’t ponied up the $15 K the city of Boise claims they owe for fire fighting earlier this year. The mansion near Table Rock in the Wild Horse sub is outside the city and is in fact outside ANY fire protection districts–something insurance carriers for the 18 homes […]

White Paper Explains Constitutional Challenge To Voter Rights

This is the first in what we expect to be many discussions of three constitutional amendments before Idaho voters on November 2. The GUARDIAN will be crusading like an old time newspaper editor to preserve our voting rights, defending the Idaho constitution and the rights of citizens to hold the “power of the purse” when […]

ACHD Joins County In Spending Hold

Here is the second self-serving press release from a government agency, but we have to give them the space. ACHD joins Ada County and has not taken the 3% budget bump allowed by law while Boise City has taken the max. PRESS RELEASE FROM ACHD ACHD Commissioners are expected to adopt a hold-the-line budget for […]

Ada Commishes Hold Line On Spending

Of course it is a self-serving press release, but the facts from the Ada Commishes sure paint a different picture from the 3% maximum budget increase in Boise City and subsequent levy hike. PRESS RELEASE FROM ADA COMMISHES: On Tuesday, August 17th, the Board of Ada County Commissioners officially adopted the County’s Fiscal Year 2010-11 […]
