
This category contains 545 posts

Surprise! Micron Expands in Singapore

Those IDAHO tax breaks granted to Micron have really paid off–the company was able to pump $250 million into expansion of a 265,000 square foot production facility in SINGAPORE. The Idaho Statesman barely noted the irony with a business story shorter than this blog entry. The good news is we won’t have to feed, house, […]

Property Tax Solution

Here is a novel idea which should raise the ire of developers and realtors while offering some relief and hope to current property owners. How about charging the 5% sales tax on real estate transactions–at least NEW RESIDENTIAL units? Before you start screaming too loudly, take a look at the potential benefits. –The 5% tax […]

Property Tax 101 (Bend Over)

Here is an easy way to figure your approximate property taxes after getting that “assessment notice” in the mail. –The notice is the value of your property which gets taxed (minus the homestead exemption). It is the basis for all taxes. If you think it is too high you can call the assessor for an […]

Emergency Politic$

Looks like those who have the most to gain or lose are the big players in the upcoming EMS tax levy election and the general public will fall asleep listening. The Ada Commissioners get kudos for at least having an election May 24. They are attempting to buy time, but as long as you have […]

Spare the Messenger

No need to kill the messenger when you get your tax notice over the Memorial Day weekend. The assessor doesn’t have a voice in taxes–he just sets the market value of your house. No doubt your values will increase however, thanks to the housing demand created by your friendly local politicians bent on giving away […]
