Urban Renewal

This category contains 116 posts

Idaho Power May Pull Plug To Hoku Plant

The Hoku solar panel plant struggling to get itself up and running in Pocatello can’t even pay its agreed upon electric bill to Idaho Power, it was revealed in a filing before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Thursday. The Chinese backed company has been the beneficiary of all kinds of public largess including local urban […]

Boise Artists Are All Losers At City Hall

Boise eagerly recruits out of town businesses and when it comes to public art that’s exactly what they got. Boise’s artists were all shunned by a city committee selecting public art for the new City Hall remodel project. Not a single Idaho artist, let alone a Boise artist is being considered as a finalist. Some […]

Big League Baseball Depends On Minor League Public Funds

The Better Boise Coalition is seeking extra innings in its game of “bulid a bigger Boise ballpark.” Every survey over the past few years predicts a homerun when it comes to building a new baseball park, but when it comes to financing they all strike out. The DAILY PAPER published a box score round up […]

Yogurt Plant Represents A Different Culture

The announcement that a Greek company is building a yogurt processing plant in Twin Falls was greeted with understandable excitment in the Magic Valley–it means JOBS! The yogurt plant represents a different culture. One that knows how to milk taxpayers as well as the local cows. Magic Valley is one of the biggest dairy producing […]

Occupier On Banks, No Confidence In System

By MsInformationBoise Occupy Boise Member Here in Boise, Occupiers have several local issues they have decided they’d like to address. One issue that has been discussed is the decision to build on the “Hole” downtown. For many of us it was a revelation the CCDC was subsidizing millions in public money towards the construction of […]

What Citizens And Candidates Should Know

Each election cycle, the GUARDIAN tries to stimulate interest in the local Boise City election with a posting about issues, budget, etc. Here is the current attempt–10 days before the filing deadline for council and mayor races. Issues of concern to candidates and citizens alike: –Fire department has taken over the North Ada County Fire […]

Optimistic Developer Gambles On Boise “Hole”

Yet another developer has signed on to build something at 8th and Main –the site of the infamous downtown vacant lot known variously as “the hole, ground zero, and the pit.” A feasibility study is planned to decide just WHAT to build. If the Gardner Company wants to insure success, they will look toward something […]

Caldwell Urban Renewal Has Jitters Over Coffee

Espresso/Deli Café Space Available Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency seeks interested parties to lease a turn-key Espresso/Deli Café in the TVCC Building located in Caldwell. Interested parties who respond by June 17, 2011 by 4:00 p.m. will be considered. Responses may be mailed or delivered to Caldwell Economic Development Council, 117 South 9th Avenue, Suite #6, […]

CCDC Chief To Get $114,000 Retirement Bonus

CCDC Pays Arid Club Dues March 14, 2007   A recent tip to the GUARDIAN confirms our worst fears about Boise City’s urban renewal agency operating without oversight or accountability to the citizens. The CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) is funded by property taxes and income from publicly owned parking facilities in the downtown area […]

Eagle, Others Owed Nearly $8,000 From Urban Renewal

A clerical error in calculating the “base value” on some open space in Eagle’s urban renewal district has resulted in about $8,000 in taxes being diverted away from the Eagle City general fund and other taxing units, based on a revelation uncovered Tuesday. Seems that a parcel of land was split and split again in […]

Urban Renewal Remains Without Oversight

Despite the efforts of urban renewal reform proponents, non-government agencies funded by tax dollars remain without oversight, thanks to a legislature apparently averse to allowing citizens a voice in their government. At least 10 bills were considered during the session–most aimed at allowing citizens some sort of vote to either create UR districts, approve debt, […]

Local Issues Cropping Up In Legislature

The GUARDIAN is familiar with much of what’s on the plate of lawmakers this session. We brought the issue of a state-owned storage business to the attention of readers last fall. Sen. Russ Fulcher of Meridian went after the deputy director of the State Lands Department in a Senate State Affairs committee hearing Wednesday over […]

Idaho Urban Renewal Agencies Remain Unchecked

We figure Urban Renewal reform will be competing with the budget for legislative attention come January and it will be another round of Government vs the People. A Canyon County group is gaining momentum–and lots of facts to dump on the lawmakers and it is not a pretty picture. Once a city creates an urban […]

AG: Officials Not Entitled To YMCA Memberships

Results of an eight month Attorney General’s investigation of Caldwell urban renewal will not result in criminal charges, but it reveal serious flaws in existing laws. The investigation was requested by former prosecutor John Bujak–before he became subject of criminal and civil investigations himself.  Bujak handed it off after Caldwell GUARDIAN editor Paul Alldredge discovered […]

Simplot JUMP Project Hits Design Review Snag

PHOTO: Susan Desko Architects The Simplot family’s proposed down JUMP development hit a snag with Boise officials last night when the Design Review Commission deadlocked in a 3-3 tie over approval of the proposed project to be located between 9th and11th Streets bordered by Front and Myrtle in downtown Boise. Simplot spokesman David Cuoio told […]

CCDC Seeks Expansion Despite Statewide Opposition

Boise’s Urban Renewal Agency–CCDC– seeks to double the acres where property taxes are diverted away from City, County, ACHD, and Schools with a new District in the 30th Street area. They will have to hustle to get ahead of growing opposition. The Daily Paper has a DETAILED REPORT. Urban Renewal agencies throughout the state have […]

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