ada county

This tag is associated with 1 posts

To Which Drum Do They March?

The Boise City Council vs Ada County Highway District feud drew a strong rebuke from the IDAHO STATESMAN editorial board Saturday over the widening of Ustick Road. The gist of the editorial was “play nice,” but the GUARDIAN got to thinking: Other than the Chamber of Commerce, what group is really happy with the city […]

Tell It To The Judge

Ada County Commissioners have been the subject of an Attorney General’s investigation of a June 15 closed meeting with Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt. The issue is whether or not the meeting should have been closed. One of the prime witnesses is Bisterfeldt, who made an attempt to talk nice with the county on behalf […]

Jailhouse Lawyer

Jeannie Braun, the lady lawyer who was recently convicted of falsifying legal documents is sitting in the Ada County jail and she may sit longer if she doesn’t write a letter to the Idaho State Bar–a condition of her plea bargain. It may sound oxymoronic (for you non-library types that means contradictory) but some honest […]

Residents Protest Development

A petition with 634 signatures of Ada County residents and other interested parties protesting a 1,500 home development overlooking the Boise River and Lucky Peak was filed Thursday with the Ada County Commission. Anthony Jones, founder of something he calls delivered the petition to the Courthouse in a move to get the Commissioners to […]

Defense For The Prosecution

We recently noticed a little item in the Ada County Commission agendas for June 28 where the commissioners approved outside counsel for the prosecuting attorney. It struck us as unusual to have the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney get a subpoena in the case of the University of Idaho Foundation v. Civic Partners West. However, our […]

Don’t Mess With Sheriff Gary

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney has decisively handled a couple of serious incidents recently, demonstrating sound leadership and concern for citizens. First, it was a series of errors and omissions in the jail which apparently made it possible for a dangerous inmate to escape last month. Raney checked out the situation and BAM! He fired […]

EMS: What To Do Now?

The GUARDIAN admits to a cut-and-paste on this one. Here is a copy of the Ada County Commission-appointed EMS task Force report on what to do about emergency services following the defeat of a bond proposal May 22. We find it interesting the task force is comprised entirely of people who stand to benefit from […]

Aloha “Official Business”

UPDATED VERSION WITH LINKS Ada County Commissioners Judy Peavey-Derr and Rick Yzaguirre along with Treasurer Lynda Fischer are planning on attending a county government conference in Honolulu July 15-19…at taxpayer expense. Peavey-Derr has said she will pay for much of the trip with personal funds. Why is it all these government officials never go to […]

Aloha “Official Business”

UPDATED VERSION WITH LINKS Ada County Commissioners Judy Peavey-Derr and Rick Yzaguirre along with Treasurer Lynda Fischer are planning on attending a county government conference in Honolulu July 15-19…at taxpayer expense. Peavey-Derr has said she will pay for much of the trip with personal funds. Why is it all these government officials never go to […]

Aloha “Official Business”

UPDATED VERSION WITH LINKS Ada County Commissioners Judy Peavey-Derr and Rick Yzaguirre along with Treasurer Lynda Fischer are planning on attending a county government conference in Honolulu July 15-19…at taxpayer expense. Peavey-Derr has said she will pay for much of the trip with personal funds. Why is it all these government officials never go to […]

Aloha “Official Business”

UPDATED VERSION WITH LINKS Ada County Commissioners Judy Peavey-Derr and Rick Yzaguirre along with Treasurer Lynda Fischer are planning on attending a county government conference in Honolulu July 15-19…at taxpayer expense. Peavey-Derr has said she will pay for much of the trip with personal funds. Why is it all these government officials never go to […]

Aloha “Official Business”

UPDATED VERSION WITH LINKS Ada County Commissioners Judy Peavey-Derr and Rick Yzaguirre along with Treasurer Lynda Fischer are planning on attending a county government conference in Honolulu July 15-19…at taxpayer expense. Peavey-Derr has said she will pay for much of the trip with personal funds. Why is it all these government officials never go to […]

Property Tax 101 (Bend Over)

Here is an easy way to figure your approximate property taxes after getting that “assessment notice” in the mail. –The notice is the value of your property which gets taxed (minus the homestead exemption). It is the basis for all taxes. If you think it is too high you can call the assessor for an […]
