
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Meridian Library Good For Boise

If the proposed $9.5 million bond for a new Meridian Library passes, it could be a benefit for Boiseans as well. Just take your Boise library card to Meridian and use it free in a great facility paid for by the Meridian Library District Patrons–thanks to an agreement already in place. A well organized “consortium” […]

BoDo Offers New Library Scheme

Dirk Kempthorne used to look into the camera and say, “We need to do it for the children”–whatever “it” happened to be. The preacher like solemn tone of voice was intended to offer creditability to the venture. It looks like Team Dave has latched onto “libraries” as his legacy–not a bad legacy if he can […]

Library Scam Explained

We can’t tell if it was ignorance or deceit, but the daily paper ran a blatantly erroneous story entitled “Developer Envisions Library Blocks” in Friday’s edition. The short version is BoDo developer Mark Rivers wants to take over six blocks of of our city and include a library– which he will rent back to the […]

Boise City Land Speculators

Defeat of the Boise Library bond was a perfect example of WHY we need bond elections to keep the local government leaders in check. Mayor Dave Bieter now wants to sell off excess city property, get private funding and build store front library branches WITHOUT a tax increase or a bond. Great idea! He should […]

Library Plan Needs Refining

A GUARDIAN correspondent received a slick brochure urging residents to “Vote Yes for Boise’s Library!” The brochure is from “Great Libraries for Great Neighborhoods” and offers Shauneen Grange at 345-2125 as a contact. The GUARDIAN correspondent lives a good mile and a half from the Boise City Limit and cannot vote on the measure! We […]

Library Type Ice Rink

We knew the city council couldn`t resist finding a way to plug their library bond at a meeting. For you non-library types, the councilor was trying to say “it didn`t look like they were going to make any money.” Councilor Alan Shealy, after hearing a report the city owned Ice World was about to break […]

Kudos on Library Vote

Updated Post 5 pm 10/19/05 Boise City Councilors deserve kudos for allowing the public a vote on a proposed $38 million library bond. This move by the council–just three weeks prior to an election–marks a departure from past policies that went around voters and did not allow them a voice in major building projects. The […]

For You Library Types

The Boise public library is making history by offering the citizens of our fair city a chance to actually VOTE on how their tax dollars are spent. The last bond election was at least 10 years ago when a park bond failed. After that failed attempt, the city switched to a strategy of asking judges […]

Library Bond Vote Set

The Boise City Council has wisely scheduled a bond election next February 7 asking voters permission to spend $30 million for branch libraries. The GUARDIAN supports libraries in concept and practice. If the City wants the measure to pass, they need to play fair and honest with voters–something that has been lacking in the past. […]
